
Election Reports


May 31, 2012
Final Report: People’s National Assembly Elections in Algeria
This report is offered in the spirit of cooperation and assistance to indicate several areas in which positive progress has been made as well as some areas in which the conduct of elections and their democratic context could be further improved. The report makes a number of key recommendations for the authorities, political parties, and civil society to consider as the reform process continues.


Oct. 5, 2001
Postelection Statement by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Bangladesh Elections, Oct. 5, 2001
When I visited Bangladesh in August, I was impressed with the evenhanded, impartial preparations for the election being made by the caretaker government and the electoral authorities, laying the foundation for free and fair elections.

Aug. 4, 2001
Pre-Election Statement on Bangladesh Elections, Aug. 1, 2001 (PDF)
This statement is offered by the joint National Democratic Institute (NDI)/顶级国产视频 pre-election delegation to Bangladesh's 2001 parliamentary elections.


June 14, 2021
顶级国产视频 Releases Final Report on 2020 Bolivian General Elections
Press Release | El Comunicado de Prensa | Final Report | Informe Final

Oct. 23, 2020
顶级国产视频 Commends Bolivians and the Electoral Tribunal on a Calm and Respectful Election 顶级国产视频 today released a preliminary report about Bolivia's Oct. 18 general elections, which saw record participation and intense political competition despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the political tensions that have roiled the country in the past year. En Español: El Centro Carter felicita a los bolivianos y al Tribunal Supremo Electoral por una jornada electoral que se desarrolló en un clima de civismo y respeto (PDF)

Oct. 23, 2020
顶级国产视频 Commends Bolivians and the Electoral Tribunal on a Calm and Respectful Election顶级国产视频 today released a preliminary report about Bolivia’s Oct. 18 general elections, which saw record participation and intense political competition despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the political tensions that have roiled the country in the past year. En Español: El Centro Carter felicita a los bolivianos y al Tribunal Supremo Electoral por una jornada electoral que se desarrolló en un clima de civismo y respeto (PDF)

Oct. 5, 2020
顶级国产视频 Deploys Electoral Experts to La Paz
Press Release | El Comunicado de Prensa

July 24, 2020
顶级国产视频 Supports the Bolivian Supreme Electoral Tribunal Decision to Postpone Election and Plans Remote Expert Mission
顶级国产视频 supports the decision by Bolivia’s Supreme Electoral Tribunal to postpone Bolivia’s election from Sept. 6 to Oct. 18 in response to concerns about the current spread of COVID-19. En Español: El Centro Carter apoya la decisión del Tribunal Supremo Electoral Boliviano de postponer el día de las elecciones y planea un estudio del proceso electoral (PDF)

Nov. 23, 2010
Final Report : Observation Mission of the Bolivia Voter Registration 2009 (PDF)
The Dec. 6, 2009, presidential and legislative elections were the first elections held under the new constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The high rate of citizen participation in the voter registration process and the general elections confirmed that the Bolivian people have a strong commitment to democratic life and that elections are regarded as a legitimate means to settle differences. En Español: Misión de Observación del Proceso de Empadronamiento en Bolivia 2009 (PDF)

Sept. 17, 2009
顶级国产视频 Continues Observation of Bolivia's Biometric Census Registration Process (English and Spanish)
At the invitation of the National Electoral Court, 顶级国产视频 is continuing to observe the process of the biometric census registration in all of the departments of Bolivia, including rural districts, isolated areas, special districts, and some cities outside of the country.

Aug. 26, 2009
顶级国产视频 Launches Voter Registration Observation Mission to Bolivia
顶级国产视频 launched a voter registration observation mission to Bolivia this week by deploying six long-term observers to cover all of the country's nine departaments (districts).

Jan. 27, 2009
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Bolivia on Peaceful Referendum; Urges Progress to Continue
顶级国产视频 congratulates the Bolivian people for the peaceful exercise of their civic obligations during the constitutional referendum held on Jan. 25.

Jan. 21, 2009
顶级国产视频 Sends Political Mission To Observe Bolivia's Constitutional Referendum
顶级国产视频 will deploy a small political mission to observe Bolivia's constitutional referendum on Jan. 25.


March 29, 2024
Final Report: 顶级国产视频 Brazil Election Expert Mission 2022
Final Report | Relatório final

Cherokee Nation Elections (United States)

March 14, 2012
Final Report: 顶级国产视频 Limited Observation Mission to the Cherokee Nation Special Election for Principal Chief in September and October 2011 (PDF)
This is the final report of the 顶级国产视频's limited observation mission to monitor the Cherokee Nation special election for principal chief during September and October 2011 in Oklahoma. The report summarizes the Center's involvement in this election process.

Oct. 14, 2011
顶级国产视频 Congratulates the Cherokee Nation on the Completion of the Vote Counting Process
顶级国产视频 commends the Cherokee Nation Election Commission (CNEC) on the completion of the extended special election for Principal Chief. Voting took place over 10 days and counting over three (Oct. 9-11, 2011). The extra days of voting and the counting process were conducted transparently.

Sept. 27, 2011
顶级国产视频 Commends Successful Cherokee Nation Voting Day and Highlights the Need for Patience and Transparency as Process Unfolds
顶级国产视频 congratulates the election commission, candidates, and voters of the Cherokee Nation on a successful election day. Sept. 24 was the only day for voters to cast ballots at 38 precincts in the Nation, but there will be additional opportunities for citizens to cast a ballot at the election commission and for Freedmen to vote by absentee ballot to determine who will be the next principal chief.

March 1, 2000
Final Report: Observing the 1999 Cherokee Nation Elections (PDF)
Final report of the 顶级国产视频 Cherokee Nation Election Delegations to the May 22, 1999 primary elections and the July 24, 1999 run-off elections.

July 25, 1999
Postelection Statement on Cherokee Nation Elections, July 25, 1999
顶级国产视频 accepted the invitation of The Cherokee Nation Election Commission in Oklahoma to observe the Cherokee Nation elections in May 1999, and at the invitation of the Commission agreed to return to observe the July 24 run-off elections for the Principal Chief, Deputy Chief and two of the 15 seats of the tribal council.

June 1, 1999
Postelection Statement on Cherokee Nation Elections, June 1, 1999
Before going into details, we would once again like to congratulate you on your dedication to well-run tribal elections and to the professionalism and unflappability of your staff.

May 23, 1999
Postelection Statement on Cherokee Nation Election, May 23, 1999
Earlier this month, 顶级国产视频 accepted the invitation of the Cherokee Nation Election Commission to visit Oklahoma and observe the May 22, 1999 elections for Principal Chief, Deputy Chief and 15 Tribal Council members.

Cheyenne and Arapaho (United States)

May 1, 2018
Final Report: October 3, 2017 Primary and December 12, 2017 General Elections in Cheyenne and Arapaho (PDF)
At the invitation of the Cheyenne and Arapaho legislative branch, the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal Council, and the Cheyenne and Arapaho Election Commission, and with the welcome of Cheyenne and Arapaho citizens, 顶级国产视频 deployed small observation teams to both the Oct. 3 primary and the Dec. 12 general election.


Jan. 1, 2002
Final Report: China Village Elections – 2001 (PDF)
At the invitation of Minister Zeng Jianhui, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the National People's Congress (NPC), former U.S. President Jimmy Carter led a delegation to the People's Republic of China to promote 顶级国产视频's China Village Election Project, observe a village election in Zhouzhuang Town, Jiangsu Province, and exchange ideas with top Chinese leaders on issues of common concern.

March 1, 2000
Final Report: China Village Elections – 2000 (PDF)
At the invitation of the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA), People's Republic of China,
顶级国产视频 sent a delegation to observe villager committee (VC) elections in
Hebei Province from January 4 to 13, 2000.

March 1, 1999
Final Report: China Village Elections – 1998 to 1999 (PDF)
This report describes in detail 顶级国产视频's activities in China from July 1998 to
January 1999 with a focus on the observation of China's village and township elections
and recommendations to improve the quality of those elections.

Jan. 14, 1999
Postelection Statement on China Township Elections, Jan. 14, 1999
At the invitation of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples' Congress (NPC) of the People's Republic of China, an eight-person delegation from 顶级国产视频 observed direct elections for township people's congress (TPC) representatives and indirect elections for township government officials in Chongqing municipality in southwest China between January 8-13, 1999.

March 2, 1998
Final Report: China Village Elections – 1998 (PDF)
At the invitation of the government of the People's Republic of China, 顶级国产视频 sent a delegation to observe village elections in China from March 2-15, 1998. In addition to evaluating nine village elections in Jilin and Liaoning provinces, the nine-person team, led by 顶级国产视频 Fellow Dr. Robert Pastor, reached a long-term agreement with the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) on election-related projects.

March 5, 1997
Final Report: China Village Elections – 1997 (PDF)
At China's invitation, 顶级国产视频 sent a seven-person, international team led by Dr. Robert Pastor, a 顶级国产视频 Fellow and expert on elections, to observe the village electoral process in Fujian and Hebei provinces.

March 5, 1997
Postelection Statement on China Village Elections, March 5, 1997 (PDF)
At China's invitation, 顶级国产视频 sent a seven-person, international team led by Dr. Robert Pastor, a 顶级国产视频 Fellow and expert on elections, to observe the village electoral process in Fujian and Hebei provinces.

Cote d'Ivoire

March 8, 2021
International Election Observation Mission (Ieom), Côte d’Ivoire 2021 – Legislative Elections
Press Release | Preliminary Statement | Communiqué de Presse | Déclaration Préliminaire

March 3, 2021
Eisa and 顶级国产视频 Deploy 24 Short-term Observers Across Côte d’Ivoire
Press ReleaseCommuniqué de Presse

Nov. 2, 2020
International Election Observation Mission (IEOM), Cote d’Ivoire 2020
Press Release | Communiqué de Presse | Preliminary Statement | Déclaration

Oct. 22, 2020
The International Election Observation Mission Condemns Any Use of Violence
Press ReleaseCommuniqué de Presse

Oct. 30, 2012
Final Report: International Election Observation Mission to Côte d'Ivoire, 2010 Presidential Elections and 2011 Legislative Elections (PDF) (En français)
顶级国产视频 accepted an invitation from Côte d'Ivoire authorities to observe its 2010 presidential election, with the understanding, affirmed by all major candidates, including incumbent Laurent Gbagbo, that they, too, would respect the superior decision of a majority of the country's citizens as to who would be their nation's next president.

Dec. 14, 2011
顶级国产视频 Notes Peaceful Elections in a Fragile Political and Social Context (En anglais et en français)
Côte d'Ivoire's 2011 legislative elections represent an essential step in re-establishing the constitutional order in Cote d'Ivoire and achieving a key goal of the peace process laid out by the Political Accord of Ouagadougou. 顶级国产视频 highlights the generally peaceful voting environment and the absence of major security incidents during the polls, which took place in the fragile political and social context of the post-electoral crisis of 2010-2011.

Dec. 4, 2010
顶级国产视频 Statement on the Cote d'Ivoire Election (En anglais et en français)
顶级国产视频 congratulates Alassane Ouattara on his election as president of Cote d'Ivoire. The Center equally appreciates the efforts of Prime Minister Guillaume Soro to ensure the credibility of the entire electoral process.

Nov. 30, 2010
Cote d'Ivoire Presidential Run-Off Election: High Voter Turnout Amid Political Tension
顶级国产视频 found high voter turnout for the presidential run-off election in Cote d'Ivoire despite an often tense and sometimes violent political campaign. The Center notes with special concern that several deaths occurred in election day violence and calls on the two presidential candidates, Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara, to remind their supporters of the need to wait for the announcement of results without further incident.

Nov. 2, 2010
Cote d'Ivoire Presidential Election Marks Historic Milestone in Peace Process (En anglais et en français)
The Oct. 31 presidential election in Cote d'Ivoire was conducted in a calm environment with a high-level of voter participation. These elections marked a crucial step in Cote d'Ivoire's peace process and gave voters the opportunity to elect their next president in the country's first truly open contest. The Ivoirian people have exercised their right to vote; they also have the right to have their vote accurately recorded and ultimately respected by all candidates.

Feb. 1, 2010
顶级国产视频 International Election Observation Mission to Côte d'Ivoire Report #3: Voter Verification, Claims, and Objections of Provisional Voters List (PDF)
As part of its long-term observation of the electoral process in Côte d'Ivoire, 顶级国产视频 deployed five teams of international elections observers from Nov. 29 to Dec. 20, 2009, to assess the process of posting and public verification of the provisional voters list and the claims and objections period. En français: Affichage de la liste Electoral - rapport synthèse (PDF), Affichage et Contentieux de la Liste Electoral - rapport complet (PDF)

May 8, 2009
顶级国产视频 International Election Observation Mission to Côte d'Ivoire Report #2: Observation of Identification and Voter Registration (PDF)
A transparent and democratic election is an essential part of the peace and reconciliation process in Côte d'Ivoire as outlined in the 2007 Ouagadougou Political Accord and its complementary accords. En français: Lire Appréciation Générale et Perspectives: Identification de la Population et Recensement Electoral (PDF)

Dec. 22, 2008
顶级国产视频 International Election Observation Mission to Côte d'Ivoire Report #1: Observtion of Identification and Voter Registration (PDF)
Upon invitation of the Ivorian authorities, 顶级国产视频 launched an international election observation mission to Côte d'Ivoire in October 2008. The main objective of the mission is twofold: to help reinforce confidence in the electoral process and to support free, fair, and transparent elections in Côte d'Ivoire through non-partisan and professionally executed election observation, in conformity with national laws and in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation. En français: Operation d'Identification ed de Recensement Electoral en Côte d'Ivoire (PDF)

Nov. 7, 2008
顶级国产视频 Launches Election Observation Mission to Côte d'Ivoire
顶级国产视频 deployed three teams of observers to regions around Côte d'Ivoire this week to formally launch its international election observation mission. Observers will focus on ongoing voter registration and assess overall preparations for the presidential elections.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Dec. 22, 2023
Preliminary Report: 顶级国产视频 Calls for Calm and Transparency as Counting Continues in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Following Prolonged Election
Press Release | Preliminary Statement | Déclaration Préliminaire

July 24, 2024
顶级国产视频 Issues Final Report on 2023 Elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Final Report

Press Release | Final Election Report | communiqué de presse | rapport électoral final

Jan. 26, 2024
Interim Report: 顶级国产视频 International Election Observation Mission, Democratic Republic of the Congo
English | En français

Dec. 5, 2023
Interim Report: 顶级国产视频 International Election Observation Mission
English | En français

Sept. 25, 2023
顶级国产视频 Launches Mission to Observe General Elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Press Release | Communiqué de Presse

July 17, 2020
顶级国产视频 Statement on Need for Dialogue on Electoral Reforms in the DRC
Press Release | Communiqué de Presse

Dec. 19, 2019
顶级国产视频 Report Encourages Congolese President Tshisekedi to Initiate Important Electoral Reforms
Press Release | Final Election Report | communiqué de presserapport électoral final

Jan. 10, 2019
顶级国产视频 Asks DRC’s Political Leaders to Call on Supporters to Remain Peaceful, Pursue Challenges to Results through Courts
Press Release

Jan. 5, 2019 
顶级国产视频 Calls for Patience and Urges Transparency in DRC Tabulation Process
Press Release

Jan. 17, 2017
顶级国产视频 Applauds DRC Political Agreement and Urges All Participants to Resolve Outstanding Issues
Press Releasecommuniqué de presse

Oct. 30, 2012
Final Report: Presidential and Legislative Elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Nov. 28, 2011 (PDF)
(En Français)
顶级国产视频 accepted invitations from the Independent National Elections Commission (CENI) to observe the 2006 and the 2011 elections. On both occasions, we witnessed the spirit of the Congolese people and a determination to vote that deserves continued international support and encouragement. As the following report details, there were many challenges in the conduct of these elections, especially the compilation of results, which also should be a cause for continuing international interest and concern.

Feb. 23, 2012
顶级国产视频: Democratic Republic of the Congo Legislative Election Results Compromised (En français - PDF)
顶级国产视频 finds that as with the Nov. 28, 2011, presidential election in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the integrity of the national assembly results has been compromised. It is difficult, and given the circumstances and amount of time that has passed, perhaps impossible, for the Independent National Election Commission (CENI) or any other body to reconstruct fully the results in the hopes of producing a faithful record of the will of the people.

Dec. 10, 2011
顶级国产视频: Democratic Republic of the Congo Presidential Election Results Lack Credibility (En Français-PDF)
顶级国产视频 finds the provisional presidential election results announced by the Independent National Election Commission (CENI) on Dec. 9 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to lack credibility. CENI results point to the re-election of incumbent President Joseph Kabila with 49 percent of the vote followed by Etienne Tshisekedi with 32 percent and Vital Kamerhe with 7.7 percent. Voter turnout was 58 percent.

Nov. 30, 2011
顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on the Democratic Republic of the Congo Election (PDF) (En Français)
顶级国产视频 welcomes the conduct of presidential and legislative elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on Nov. 28; voters participated in large numbers with few major incidents that disrupted the peaceful conduct of the polls. The results tabulation process is underway.

Oct. 17, 2011
顶级国产视频 Calls for Urgent Steps by DRC's Election Commission to Prepare for Nov. 28 Elections (En anglais et en français)
In a pre-election report released today, 顶级国产视频 called for urgent steps by the Democratic Republic of the Congo's (DRC) election commission in order to be credibly prepared for Nov. 28 elections. The report is based on findings from the Center's long-term observers, who have been deployed throughout the DRC since August.

June 1, 2007
Final Report: International Election Observation Mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2006, Presidential and Legislative Elections
Following invitations from President Joseph Kabila and the president of the electoral commission, Abbé Apollinaire Malumalu, 顶级国产视频 conducted two assessment visits in 2005. In April 2006, the Center established a field office in Kinshasa to coordinate election observation activities. Through a combination of long- and short-term election monitoring, the Center monitored election preparations and political developments and was able to provide feedback to election authorities, political parties, and domestic observers throughout the mission. The Center issued multiple public reports and conducted many private meetings to share its findings.

July 12, 2006
Second 顶级国产视频 Statement on the Election Preparations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (English and French)
The presidential and legislative election campaigns are now slowly underway across the country. While there has been an improvement in the quality of the information put out by political parties and candidates, there is still a tendency to politicize and sensationalize relatively straight-forward technical issues and unjustly undermine confidence in the electoral process.

June 6, 2006
First 顶级国产视频 Pre-Election Statement on Preparations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (English and French)
顶级国产视频's international election observation mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is pleased to release its first pre-election statement on the 2006 presidential and legislative elections.

Dominican Republic

May 18, 2000
Postelection Statement on Dominican Republic Elections, May 18, 2000
The International Observer Delegation sponsored by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and 顶级国产视频 offers this Preliminary Statement on the May 16, 2000 presidential elections in the Dominican Republic.

May 1, 1997
Final Report: Observing the 1996 Dominican Republic Elections (PDF)
At the invitation of the Central Electoral Board of the Dominican Republic and the three principal parties, 顶级国产视频's Council of Freely Elected Heads of Government, along with the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), monitored the 1996 presidential elections.

Aug. 16, 1990
Final Report: Observing the 1990 Dominican Republic Elections (PDF)
At the invitation of the president of the Central Electoral Board of the Dominican Republic, 顶级国产视频's Council of Freely Elected Heads of Government, along with the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), monitored the 1990 presidential elections.


Oct. 31, 2008
Final Report: Observing the Sept. 30, 2007, Ecuador Constituent Assembly Elections (PDF)
顶级国产视频 conducted a targeted observation mission of Ecuador's September 30, 2007, elections for 130 members of the Constituent Assembly with the goal of demonstrating the Center's interest and support for Ecuador's constitutional reform and political transition process.

Oct. 25, 2008
Final Report on Ecuador's Approbatory Constitutional Referendum of September 28, 2008 (PDF)
顶级国产视频 led a small electoral observation mission for Ecuador's constitutional referendum on Sept. 28, 2008, to help promote a transparent and fair electoral process and accompany the country as it continues its political-institutional transformation. One of the major milestones in the process was the convening of the national constituent assembly (CA), which held session between November 2007 and July 2008. En Español: Informe Final sobre el Referéndum Constitucional Aprobatorio de Ecuador del 28 de septiembre de 2008 (PDF)

Oct. 1, 2007
顶级国产视频 Observes Democratic Consolidation in Ecuador
Yesterday, Sept. 30, the Ecuadorian people demonstrated their profound democratic vocation by voting peacefully for representatives to the constituent assembly.

Sept. 28, 2007
顶级国产视频 Pleased with Ecuador's Electoral Process, Urges Equality of Official Electoral Publicity
Since July 2007, 顶级国产视频 has worked intensively to observe the electoral processes leading up to Ecuador's Constituent Assembly elections. This statement presents the continued findings of the Center's international election observation mission in Ecuador.


Jan. 14, 2013
顶级国产视频 Releases Recommendations for Egypt's Upcoming House of Representatives Elections ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 today released its recommendations for Egypt's upcoming parliamentary elections based on its observation missions for the 2011-2012 parliamentary and presidential elections. The Center suggests critical reforms in the following areas: voter education and information, women in the electoral process, electoral observation, internal and external communications, procedures and training, voter access and participation, electoral contestants (parties and candidates), and electoral legal framework.

Dec. 21, 2012
Final Report: Presidential Election in Egypt, May–June 2012 (PDF)
Egypt's historic 2012 presidential election was the first time Egypt's head of state would be directly elected by the people in a competitive election that included candidates representing diverse political platforms and where the outcome was genuinely unknown. The presidential election on May 23–24, 2012, and the runoff on June 16–17, 2012, also marked at least the fourth and fifth times, respectively, that Egyptians were called to the polls in little over a year.顶级国产视频 was present for both rounds of the presidential election. However, its mission to witness the election was limited in scope due to restrictions imposed on election witnesses by Egypt's electoral authorities.

Sept. 21, 2012
Final Report: 顶级国产视频 Mission to Witness the 2011–2012 Parliamentary Elections in Egypt (PDF) | ( بالعربية.)
Under the supervision of a judicial election management body, polling for Egypt's parliamentary elections took place over a nearly three-month period between Nov. 28, 2011, and Feb. 22, 2012. In spite of concerns and in spite of visible flaws in the election process itself, it is the assessment of the 顶级国产视频's mission that the results of the parliamentary elections appeared to broadly represent the will of Egypt's voters.

June 19, 2012
顶级国产视频 Releases Preliminary Statement on Second Round of Egypt's Presidential Election ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频's election witnessing mission in Egypt issued preliminary findings today for the second round of Egypt's presidential elections. The Center noted that the Egyptian people again have demonstrated their deep commitment to the electoral process. However, 顶级国产视频 expressed grave concern about the broader political and constitutional context, which calls into question the meaning and purpose of the elections.

May 26, 2012
Executive Summary of 顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on Egypt's Presidential Election ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 election witnessing mission was accredited in Egypt by the Presidential Election Commission (PEC) on May 3, 2012. Accreditation badges, necessary for witnesses to observe the process, were only provided on May 16, less than seven days before the election. 顶级国产视频 mission, which is led by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, includes a total of 102 witnesses from 35 countries who visited 909 polling stations in 25 governorates to follow voting, counting, and tabulation. The Center's witnesses continue to assess the conclusion of the vote tabulation, and will remain in Egypt to follow the runoff election and the post-election environment.

Feb. 28, 2012
顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on Egypt's Shura Council Election ( بالعربية.)
As Egypt's new parliament works to select a 100-member Constitutional Drafting Committee, the 顶级国产视频's mission to witness the country's Shura elections urges Egypt's elected representatives to address the overwhelming lack of representation of women in the parliament by ensuring at least 30 percent of the committee is female.

Feb. 4, 2012
顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on the First Round of Voting in Egypt's Shura Council Elections ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 witnesses in Egypt observed low levels of interest and participation among voters, political parties, and nongovernmental organizations during the first stage of the country's Shura Council elections. Despite the brief respite between the People's Assembly and Shura Council elections, Egypt's election authority was able to introduce several technical amendments for the Shura election including the use of more secure ballot boxes and the counting of votes at polling stations.

Jan. 13, 2012
Preliminary Report: 顶级国产视频 Election Witnessing Mission, Egypt 2011/2012 Parliamentary Elections (PDF) ( بالعربية.)
Egypt's People's Assembly elections enjoyed broad participation from voters and are a progressive step toward a democratic transition. While there were shortcomings in the legal framework, campaign violations, and weaknesses in the administration of the elections, the results appear to be a broadly accurate expression of the will of the voters.

Jan. 2, 2012
Jimmy Carter to Lead 顶级国产视频 Delegation to Egypt ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 announced today that former U.S. President Jimmy Carter will visit Egypt next week as part of the Center's witnessing of Egypt's parliamentary elections.

Dec. 18, 2011
顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on the Second Round of Voting in Egypt's People's Assembly Elections ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 witnesses observing the People's Assembly elections in Egypt reported progress in several aspects of polling during the second round of voting on Dec. 14-15, but found that there are numerous areas where procedures need further improvement.

Dec. 8, 2011
顶级国产视频 Statement on Egypt's Election Results and Complaints Management Process ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 has closely observed the first round of Egypt's parliamentary elections, witnessing polling and counting Nov. 28-30 and the runoffs Dec. 5-6, and notes that conducting runoffs amid a multiphase election poses distinct challenges requiring extra efforts in key areas. The Center offers the following observations and suggestions to help address the main challenges of electoral complaints resolution and the timely announcement of results.

Dec. 2, 2011
顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on the First Round of Voting in Egypt's People's Assembly Elections
( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 deployed witnesses to observe two days of polling on Nov. 28-29 in the first of three rounds of Egypt's parliamentary elections, as well as the preceding election preparation period. 顶级国产视频 witnesses visited more than 300 polling stations in all nine active governorates, and followed the process through to the counting exercise.

Nov. 21, 2011
顶级国产视频 Statement on Egypt's Pre-election Environment ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 is greatly concerned about the ongoing violence at Tahrir Square and elsewhere in Egypt that has resulted in more than 30 casualties. As events continue to unfold, we urge the authorities to act with restraint and for all involved to continue to advance a meaningful democratic transition in Egypt through peaceful political participation and respect for the rule of law.


Dec. 1, 2009
Final Report: Observing the 2005 Ethiopia Elections (PDF)
Final report of the 顶级国产视频's election observation team on the 2005 Ethiopia elections.

Sept. 15, 2005
Ethiopia 2005 National Elections, Statement on 顶级国产视频 Observations, Sept. 15, 2005 (PDF)
顶级国产视频 was pleased to accept the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to observe the 2005 parliamentary elections in Ethiopia. The May 15 elections were for 524 of the country's 547 constituency-based seats in the national parliament. The remaining 23 seats in the Somali region were elected separately in votes held on August 21.

June 9, 2005
顶级国产视频 Postelection Statement on the Ethiopia Elections, June 9, 2005
顶级国产视频 joins other members of the international community and Ethiopian citizens in expressing its deep alarm and sorrow at the violence, injuries, deaths, and violations of human rights that have occurred since 6 June in Addis Ababa and elsewhere in Ethiopia in the aftermath of the 15 May national elections.

June 3, 2005
Postelection Statement on Ethiopia Elections, June 3, 2005
顶级国产视频's May 16 postelection statement, based on observations of the polling process in Addis Ababa and selected locations in eight regions, expressed some concerns and noted that for the first time in history the majority of Ethiopian voters were presented with choices when they went to the polls.

May 19, 2005
Ethiopia Elections: Jimmy Carter Trip Report, Postelection Statement
顶级国产视频 thanks the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for its invitation to observe the May 15, 2005, national elections and all those who welcomed us and took the time to contribute to our understanding of Ethiopian politics and the electoral process.


Jan. 31, 2012
Final Report: Observation Mission to Ghana's 2008 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, December 2008 – January 2009 (PDF)
顶级国产视频 found that Ghana's voters participated in transparent and relatively peaceful elections during the presidential and parliamentary elections on Dec. 7, 2008, and the presidential runoff on Dec. 28, 2008. The initial round of presidential elections was contested by six different parties, and as no candidate received the required 50-percent-plus-one, a runoff took place between John Evans Atta Mills of the opposition National Democratic Congress and former Foreign Minister Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of the ruling New Patriotic Party.

Jan. 3, 2009
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Ghana President-Elect John Evans Atta Mills
顶级国产视频 congratulates Ghana President-elect John Evans Atta Mills of the National Democratic Congress following the Electoral Commission of Ghana's Jan. 3 announcement of final election results.

Dec. 31, 2008
顶级国产视频 Deploys Observers to Ghana's Brong-Ahafo Region to Observe Tain Constituency's Elections
顶级国产视频 has deployed 10 election observers to Ghana's Brong-Ahafo region to observe Friday's voting in the Tain constituency.

Dec. 30, 2008
Ghana Presidential Run-off Election Observation Mission Preliminary Statement
顶级国产视频 election observation mission has been in Ghana since May 2008 following an invitation from the Electoral Commission of Ghana. During the Dec. 7 first-round election, the Center deployed a 57-person observer team to more than 300 polling stations in 30 districts. A preliminary statement released on Dec. 9 details the Center's findings on the political environment and election-day activities.

Dec. 30, 2008
顶级国产视频 Finds Ghana's Presidential Run-off Elections Credible and Peaceful
顶级国产视频 found that Ghana's voters participated in a transparent and relatively peaceful presidential run-off election on Dec. 28, 2008. Preliminary reports of the election, which was contested by John Evans Atta Mills of the National Democratic Congress and former Foreign Minister Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of the ruling New Patriotic Party, indicate that the administration of this election was well executed, illustrating the successful organization of the Electoral Commission and the determination of the Ghanaian public to ensure continued democratic consolidation.

Dec. 26, 2008
顶级国产视频 Delegation Arrives in Ghana to Observe the Presidential Runoff Elections
顶级国产视频 election observers returned to Ghana this week to observe election preparations and voting for the presidential runoff elections on Dec. 28.

Dec. 9, 2008
Ghana Election Observation Mission Preliminary Statement: Ghana's Voters Renew Commitment to Open and Competitive Elections
顶级国产视频 congratulates the Ghanaian people for their democratic participation in the Dec. 7 presidential and parliamentary elections, which were conducted in a peaceful, transparent, and dignified manner.

Dec. 1, 2008
顶级国产视频 Delegation Arrives in Ghana Tomorrow to Observe Dec. 7 Elections
顶级国产视频 election observation leaders and short-term observers will arrive in Ghana tomorrow to observe election preparations and voting on Dec. 7.

Oct. 31, 2008
顶级国产视频: Time Remains to Resolve Ghana's Pre-Electoral Problems
A 顶级国产视频 delegation that assessed Ghana's pre-electoral environment this week concluded that problems arising from the limited registration period, including the registration of minors and multiple registrations, have resulted in serious concerns leading to decreased confidence in the electoral process.

Oct. 27, 2008
顶级国产视频 Delegation to Assess Pre-electoral Climate in Ghana
A 顶级国产视频 delegation will visit Ghana from Oct. 27 –31 to assess the ongoing difficulties and irregularities with voter registration processes and other concerns ahead of the Dec. 7 presidential and parliamentary elections.

Aug. 26, 2008
顶级国产视频 Releases Findings From its Observation of Ghana's Voter Registration
顶级国产视频 observers in Ghana found the voter registration process that took place July 31 – August 12 to be generally successful but hampered by several irregularities.

July 25, 2008
顶级国产视频 Launches Election Observation Mission to Ghana
顶级国产视频 launched an international election observation mission in Ghana this week with the deployment of four teams of observers to four regions around the country.

Nov. 6, 1992
Final Report: Observing the 1992 Ghana Elections (PDF)
The members of the 顶级国产视频 Ghana Election Mission observed the November 1992 election proceedings.


Sept. 8, 2015
顶级国产视频 Statement on the Sept. 6 General Elections in Guatemala (En español)
顶级国产视频's high-level political delegation to the Sept. 6 general elections in Guatemala found these elections to be distinct, not only in regard to Guatemala's electoral history, but also in the context of the region.

Sept. 4, 2015
顶级国产视频's High-Level Political Delegation Calls Guatemalans to Vote on Sunday (En español)
After its first contact with electoral authorities and other Guatemalan stakeholders, the 顶级国产视频's high-level political delegation has found an extraordinary climate of peace and civic commitment despite the complex political moment through the country has experienced. In this spirit, we encourage all citizens to vote in peace and with democratic conviction, sure that in this new stage, an election with high voter turnout will fortify Guatemala's transformation.

Sept. 2, 2015
顶级国产视频 Sends High-Level Political Delegation to Guatemala Elections
At the invitation of the Guatemalan Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), 顶级国产视频 will send a small, high-level political delegation to the Sept. 6 general elections in Guatemala.

Dec. 22, 2011
Final Report: Guatemala Election Observation 2003 (PDF)
On Nov. 9, 2003, the 顶级国产视频 observed Guatemala's fifth presidential, congressional, and municipal elections since the end of military rule in 1985. This report concentrates on the human rights situation during and after the campaign, including issues surrounding pre-election intimidation and violence, and accountability for past and present abuses, protection of human rights defenders, and inclusive civic dialogue.

Dec. 30, 2003
Postelection Statement on Guatemala Elections, Dec. 30, 2003
顶级国产视频 representatives observed the second round of national elections in Guatemala on Dec. 28, 2003, in the departments of El Quiché, San Marcos, Totonicapán, Huehuetenango, and Suchitepéquez. The Center congratulates president-elect Oscar Berger and expresses the hope that his government will prioritize full implementation of the 1996 Peace Accords, particularly strengthening the rule of law within the framework of fundamental human rights.

Dec. 19, 2003
Postelection Statement on Guatemala Elections, Dec. 19, 2003
This is the second statement of the 顶级国产视频's electoral mission in Guatemala since the arrival of the observation team on Oct. 20, 2003.

Dec. 19, 2003
Declaracion post electoral sobre las elecciones en Guatemala, diciembre de 19 del 2003
Este es el segundo informe difundido por la misión electoral del Centro Carter desde la llegada del equipo de observación el 20 de octubre de 2003.

Nov. 3, 2003
Pre-Election Statement on Guatemala Elections, Nov. 3, 2003 (English and Spanish)
A 顶级国产视频 election observation team, including four international observers, a human rights expert, and a campaign finance expert, established an office in Guatemala on Oct. 21, 2003, to begin monitoring the Nov. 9 presidential, congressional, and municipal electoral process.


Oct. 18, 2011
Final Report: Observing the 2010 Presidential Elections in Guinea (PDF) (En français)
This is the 顶级国产视频's final report covering the entirety of its observation mission for the 2010 electoral processes in Guinea. While many of the contained findings were made public in the various statements published throughout the mission's time on the ground, this report is intended to encapsulate the Center's involvement in the Guinean presidential election.

Dec. 2, 2010
Final Statement on Run-off Election in Guinea and the Post-Election Period: 顶级国产视频 Commends Guineans on Successful Elections and Urges Peaceful Acceptance of Final Results (En anglais et en français)
In a statement released today, 顶级国产视频 concluded that the conduct of Guinea's presidential electoral processes was broadly consistent with the country's international and regional obligations for genuine democratic elections.

Nov. 19, 2010
顶级国产视频 Urges Calm, Restraint in Guinea (En anglais et en français)
顶级国产视频 appeals to Guinea's political party leaders to allow the Supreme Court to resolve any disputes over election results and to reiterate their appeals for calm. At the same time, the Center welcomes pledges made by both candidates to constitute a government of national unity as a gesture of reconciliation regardless of who is declared winner by the Supreme Court.

Nov. 18, 2010
Communique commun les missions internationales electorale en Guinée
Le second tour de l'élection présidentielle de ce dimanche 7 novembre 2010 apporte une nouvelle démonstration de la détermination du peuple guinéen à choisir librement ses dirigeants, ouvrant ainsi une nouvelle ère démocratique pour le pays.

Nov. 9, 2010
Guinea's Transitional Elections Marked by Peaceful Voting; Commitment to Transparency in Final Results Is Important (En anglais et en français)
顶级国产视频 congratulates Guineans for the peaceful and orderly conduct of voting and the high-level of participation for the Nov. 7, 2010, presidential run-off election. The successful voting process is an overwhelming testament of Guineans' profound desire to express their will at the ballot box and to complete their historic democratic transition. 顶级国产视频 salutes the enthusiasm and commitment of the Guinean people and electorate; all Guineans should be proud of what they have achieved so far.

July 24, 2010
顶级国产视频 Welcomes Preparation for Guinea's Presidential Run-off Election Despite Operational Flaws in Results Process
顶级国产视频 congratulates all Guinean presidential candidates and commends that the settlement of election disputes brought to the attention of the Supreme Court has been accepted by all parties.

June 29, 2010
顶级国产视频 Commends Guinea's Historical Election; Urges Continued Calm in the Post-Election Period (Preliminary Statement, En anglais et en français)
The June 27, 2010, elections represented an important political opening for the people of Guinea. These were the first elections to be held in Guinea without an incumbent candidate, which increased political space and the opportunity for participation by all sectors of society.

June 22, 2010
General Yakubu Gowon to Lead 顶级国产视频 Delegation to Observe Guinea's June 27 Elections
顶级国产视频 announced today that General Dr. Yakubu Gowon, Nigeria's former head of state, will co-lead the Center's international election observation delegation to Guinea along with Dr. John Stremlau, 顶级国产视频 vice president for peace programs. 顶级国产视频 mission will also include more than 30 observers representing over 15 different nations deployed throughout the country.

June 21, 2010
顶级国产视频 Encouraged by Electoral Campaign in Guinea; Urges Steps on Electoral Preparations and Voter Education (En anglais et en français)
顶级国产视频 observation mission in Guinea is encouraged by the positive tone of the electoral campaign in Guinea, including candidates' messages promoting reconciliation and transcending ethnic boundaries, and by the National Electoral Commission's (CENI) commitment to inclusive elections.

May 24, 2010
顶级国产视频 Launches Election Observation Mission to Guinea (En anglais et en français)
顶级国产视频 will deploy eight long-term observers throughout Guinea this week to formally launch its international election observation mission of the country's June 27 elections. The mission is supported by an office in Conakry, which was established in mid-May and led by Field Office Representative John Koogler.


June 16, 2022
2020 General and Regional Elections in Guyana
Final Report

Aug. 3, 2020
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Guyana on the End of Election Standoff; Urges Electoral and Constitutional Reform
Press Release

June 16, 2020
顶级国产视频 Welcomes CARICOM Report on Credible Recount Process
Press Release

May 21, 2020
顶级国产视频 Disappointed Not to Be Able to Return to Guyana
Press Release

May 5, 2020
顶级国产视频 Observer Not Able to Travel to Guyana Monday
Press Release

March 20, 2020
顶级国产视频 Mission Departs Guyana but Remains Committed to Observing the Electoral Process and to Supporting Constitutional Reform

March 13, 2020
Joint Statement from International Observers in Guyana

March 6, 2020
Joint Statement from International Observers in Guyana

March 5, 2020
顶级国产视频 Statement on Region 4 Election Results
Press Release

March 4, 2020
顶级国产视频 Encourages Patience and Peace as Guyana Awaits Election Results
Press Release | Preliminary Statement

Feb. 20, 2020
顶级国产视频 Assesses Status of Guyana’s Electoral Preparations Positively, Recommends Wide Distribution of Tabulation Procedures

Feb. 10, 2020
Aminata Touré and Jason Carter to Co-Lead 顶级国产视频 Delegation to Guyana’s Election
Aminata Touré, former prime minister of Senegal, and Jason J. Carter, chairperson of 顶级国产视频 Board of Trustees, will co-lead the 顶级国产视频’s international election observation mission in Guyana.

Jan. 14, 2020
顶级国产视频 Launches Mission to Observe Guyana’s 2020 Election
Following an invitation from the government of Guyana, 顶级国产视频 has launched an election observation mission to observe the March 2 general election in Guyana.

May 17, 2017
Final Report: Observing the 2015 Guyana Elections (PDF)
顶级国产视频's final report on Guyana’s 2015 general and regional elections summarizes the Center’s observation activities and makes recommendations to the Guyanese authorities to improve future elections to help bring them in line with international standards for democratic elections and Guyana’s own legal framework. In the report, The Center repeats its longstanding support for fundamental constitutional reform that attenuates the problems with the current winner-take-all system. The urgency of this challenge is made greater with the anticipated influx of oil revenue, which has the potential to exacerbate ethnic and political conflicts.

May 28, 2015
Preliminary Statement: Election Observation Mission, Guyana General and Regional Elections of May 11, 2015 (PDF)
顶级国产视频 Election Observation Mission in Guyana was launched on April 8, 2015, following an invitation from the office of the president of Guyana. 顶级国产视频 mission was led by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Dame Audrey Glover of the United Kingdom, and Dame Billie Miller of Barbados. The following is a summary of preliminary observations and recommendations.

July 10, 2007
Final Report to the Guyana Elections Commission on the 2006 General and Regional Elections, February 15, 2007 (PDF)
With USAID funding, 顶级国产视频 conducted a targeted observation for Guyana's Aug. 28, 2006, national elections to demonstrate the Center's interest in and support for Guyana's democratization process. The Center also sought to assess the political and electoral environment in Guyana surrounding the 2006 elections in follow-up to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter's 2004 visit to Guyana. The 2006 elections marked a historic event in the country as Guyana experienced its most peaceful election in recent history.

Aug. 31, 2006
顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on the 2006 Guyana Elections
顶级国产视频 commends the people of Guyana, the political parties, and the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) for what so far has been the most peaceful and orderly electoral process in recent history. This speaks to the maturing of Guyana's political culture and the deep yearning for peace and progress, which is shared by all Guyanese. That said, the frustration and fear that exists across society must be acknowledged and mitigated through actions of political leaders over the coming days and beyond.

Feb. 1, 2002
Final Report: Observing the 2001 Guyana Elections (PDF)
The electoral process in Guyana has made significant progress since the 顶级国产视频's first involvement in the early 1990s.

March 21, 2001
Postelection Statement on Guyana Elections, March 21, 2001
On March 20, 2001, the day after the March 19 elections in Guyana, 顶级国产视频 issued a preliminary statement about the electoral process.

March 20, 2001
Postelection Statement on Guyana Elections, March 20, 2001
顶级国产视频 would like to commend the Guyanese people for their conduct and participation in yesterday's elections and present this preliminary statement on the electoral process.

March 15, 1993
Final Report: Observing Guyana's Elections Process, 1990-1992 (PDF)
The Guyanese election of Oct. 5, 1992 is of historic importance for Guyana and for all of Latin America and the Caribbean. For the first time in 28 years, all of the political parties of Guyana and the international observers agreed that the election was free and fair, and a peaceful transfer of power occurred.


March 1, 1995
Assessment Mission to Haiti, March 1995 (PDF)
Report on the Elections in Haiti, June 25, 1995, by Robert Pastor.

Jan. 1, 1995
Assessment Mission to Haiti, January 1995 (PDF)
Report on the Council of Freely Elected Heads of Government's December 1994 mission to assess Haiti's political and economic climate and to explore opportunities to assist with economic development.

May 1, 1991
Final Report: Observing the 1990 Haiti Elections (PDF)
At the invitation of the President of Provisional President Ertha Pascal Trouillot, the Provisional Electoral Council and leaders of the major political parties, 顶级国产视频's Council of Freely Elected Heads of Government, along with the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), monitored the 1990 elections.


Aug. 31, 2009
Final Report: April 9, 2009 Legislative Elections in Indonesia (PDF)
The final report of 顶级国产视频 limited observation Mission to the April 9, 2009 legislative elections in Indonesia. (Bahasa translation – Laporan Akhir Misi Pemantau Terbatas the 顶级国产视频 untuk Pemilu Legislatif)

June 26, 2009
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Indonesia's Constitutional Court for Timely Resolution of Election Disputes
顶级国产视频 commends Indonesia's Constitutional Court for their timely handling disputes relating to election results for the April 9, 2009 legislative elections.

May 21, 2009
顶级国产视频 Offers Steps for Indonesia to Strengthen its Electoral Dispute Mechanisms
顶级国产视频 congratulates the government of Indonesia, the National Election Commission (KPU), the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), and civil society groups for the ongoing commitment they have shown to establishing electoral complaints and dispute resolution mechanisms within the electoral system of Indonesia.

May 1, 2009
顶级国产视频 Commends Indonesia's Progress in Campaign Finance Regulations, Encourages Stronger Reporting and Disclosure Requirements
顶级国产视频 commends the parties, candidates, and National Elections Commission of Indonesia for the important progress made in campaign finance laws and practices since the 2004 elections.

April 12, 2009
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Indonesia on Generally Peaceful Elections
顶级国产视频 congratulates the people, political parties, and National Election Commission (KPU) of Indonesia on the generally peaceful April 9, 2009, legislative elections, the third since the country's democratic transition from the New Order of former President Soeharto.

March 25, 2009
顶级国产视频 Launches Limited Election Observation Mission to Indonesia
顶级国产视频 deployed three teams of long-term observers to locations in Indonesia this week to formally launch its limited election observation mission of the country's April 9 legislative elections. These will be the third elections in Indonesia that the Center has observed.

June 1, 2005
Final Report: 顶级国产视频 2004 Indonesia Elections June 1, 2005 (PDF)
The final report of the 顶级国产视频 on the 2004 legislative and presidential elections in Indonesia.

Sept. 22, 2004
Postelection Statement on Indonesia Election, Sept. 22, 2004
The second round of Indonesia's historic first direct presidential election has taken place successfully, in a general atmosphere of calm, order, and open participation. 顶级国产视频 congratulates the people and leaders of Indonesia for the successful conduct of the presidential election and for the peaceful atmosphere that has prevailed throughout Indonesia's three rounds of elections in 2004. This represents a major step in the country's ongoing democratic transition.

Aug. 2, 2004
Postelection Statement on Indonesia Elections, Aug. 2, 2004
In support of Indonesia's ongoing democratization and political reform, 顶级国产视频 is continuing to monitor this election, as Indonesian voters for the first time directly choose their president. 顶级国产视频 was invited by the election commission (KPU) and welcomed by all major political parties.

July 7, 2004
Postelection Statement on Indonesia Elections, July 7, 2004 (English and Bahasa)
In support of Indonesia's ongoing democratization and political reform, 顶级国产视频 is pleased to observe this historic election, as Indonesian voters for the first time directly choose their president. 顶级国产视频, which observed the 1999 national elections, was invited by the election commission (KPU) and welcomed by all major political parties.

June 25, 2004
Pre-Election Statement on Indonesia Elections, June 25, 2004
In support of Indonesia's ongoing process of democratization and political reform, 顶级国产视频 is pleased to witness the historic 2004 election, when Indonesian voters for the first time will directly choose their president.

Nov. 28, 1999
The 1999 Presidential Election and Post-election Developments in Indonesia (PDF)
This report examines developments in Indonesia's electoral process in September, October and early November 1999. It focuses on the completion of the process of forming the People's Representative Assembly (DPR) and the MPR and on the 1999 MPR General Session. As such it represents a continuation of the series of reports and statements NDI has issued during the past year on this electoral process. The most recent of these reports, issued in August 1999, discussed developments up to that time in the formation of the DPR and the MPR. This report was prepared on the basis of direct observation of the General Session, discussions with MPR members and political party leaders, and analysis of various written materials produced by the Election Commission (KPU) and the MPR.

Aug. 26, 1999
NDI and 顶级国产视频 - Post-Election Statement Number 4, Post-Election Developments in Indonesia, the Formation of the DPR and the MPR (PDF)
Now that the results of the June 7 elections in Indonesia have been validated by a presidential decree, the next steps in the electoral process are the formation of the People's Representative Assembly (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat or DPR) and the People's Consultative Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat or MPR).

July 15, 1999
Post-Election Statement Number 3 of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and 顶级国产视频 International Election Observation Mission: Indonesia's June 7, 1999 Legislative Elections Vote Tabulation and the Electoral Process
In a preliminary post-election statement on June 9, 1999, the international observation delegation of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and 顶级国产视频 stated that a judgment about the entire election process must await the completion of all its steps and committed that NDI and 顶级国产视频 would continue to monitor the process and issue subsequent reports.

June 20, 1999
Statement Number 2 of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and 顶级国产视频 International Election Observation Mission: Indonesia's June 7, 1999 Legislative Elections Counting and Tabulation of Votes
In a preliminary post-election statement on June 9, 1999, the international observation delegation of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and 顶级国产视频 stated that a judgment about the entire election process must await the completion of all its steps and committed that NDI and 顶级国产视频 would continue to monitor the process and issue subsequent reports.

June 9, 1999
First Statement of the National Democratic Institute and 顶级国产视频 International Election Observation Delegation to Indonesia's June 7, 1999, Legislative Elections (PDF)
The following statement on Indonesia's legislative elections of June 7, 1999, is offered by the international election observation delegation organized jointly by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and 顶级国产视频. The 100-member delegation was led by former United States President Jimmy Carter. Members of the delegation observed in 26 of Indonesia's 27 provinces.


June 5, 2003
Final Report: Observing the 2002 Jamaica Parliamentary Elections (PDF)
Observing the 2002 Jamaica Parliamentary Elections: Final Report.

Oct. 18, 2002
Postelection Statement on Jamaica Elections, Oct. 18, 2002
We commend the Jamaican voters for participating peacefully in an election day that was generally free of the violence marring it in the past. The Jamaican people made a clear call for change in the culture of violence, and the candidates have responded. We commend the leaders of the parties for their gracious and statesmanlike speeches last night, for their calls to work together for the good of the country, and for their joint pre-election statement calling for a peaceful election.

Oct. 7, 2002
Pre-Election Statement on Jamaican Elections, Oct. 7, 2002
顶级国产视频, as part of its continuing observation of the Jamaica electoral process, would like to offer the following interim comments. These are based on the findings of 12 international medium term observers, who have monitored the electoral process in 24 constituencies throughout the island since nomination day, September 30.

Aug. 27, 2002
Pre-Election Statement on Jamaica Elections, Aug. 27, 2002
顶级国产视频's second statement on the 2002 parliamentary elections in Jamaica.

May 31, 2002
Pre-Election Statement on Jamacia Elections, May 31, 2002
A statement from the 顶级国产视频's pre-election delegation to Jamaica's upcoming Parliamentary elections, including observations from the team's initial visit May 26 - May 31, 2002.

March 1, 1998
Final Report: Observing the 1997 Jamaica Elections (PDF)
At the invitation of Jamaica's Electoral Advisory Committee (EAC) and with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 顶级国产视频's Council of Freely Elected Heads of Government observed Jamaica's Nov. 12, 1997, elections.


Feb. 14, 2013
顶级国产视频 Releases Study Mission Report on Jordan's 2013 Parliamentary Elections ( بالعربية.)
While Jordan's 2013 parliamentary elections yielded important technical advances, the elections were marred by a system that limits equality of suffrage and by persistent concerns about vote buying, proxy registration, and other problems, according to a report issued today by 顶级国产视频, which sent a study mission to assess the elections held on Jan. 23, 2013.


March 6, 2023
Final Report: 顶级国产视频 Election Expert Mission to Kenya 2022
顶级国产视频 deployed to Nairobi a small election expert mission that started work on Aug. 1, 2022. The mission, which focused primarily on the role of technology in the Aug. 9 presidential election, built upon several months of engagement and assessment by the Center, including a pre-election assessment team deployed to Kenya during June and July.

April 15, 2019
Report on Legal Issues from Kenya 2017 Presidential Election
This report reviews legal issues that emerged after the 2017 presidential elections in Kenya. The first section reviews the High Court’s decision striking down most of the provisions of the Elections Act amendments passed by the National Assembly between the two presidential elections held in 2017. It examines the court’s decision and its potential impact on future electoral reform. The second section reviews the decisions of the High Court, the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court regarding challenges to election results in races for governor, senator, county assembly, and women’s representatives.

Nov. 30, 2018
顶级国产视频 Unveils Report on Youth and Women’s Political Participation in Kenya
顶级国产视频 today released its Youth and Women’s Consultations on Political Participation in Kenya report, which outlines key challenges women and youth face when trying to participate in politics and offers detailed recommendations for strengthening their political engagement in future elections.

March 7, 2018
顶级国产视频 Presents Final Report on Kenya’s 2017 Elections
顶级国产视频 released its final election report today, presenting its comprehensive findings from Kenya’s 2017 electoral period and offering recommendations to help strengthen Kenya’s future electoral processes. The report urges political stakeholders to act as quickly as possible to organize national stocktaking exercises and to develop and implement key electoral reforms well in advance of the 2022 election. The process should be guided by principles of inclusion and shared values grounded in the country’s constitution.

Nov. 7, 2017
顶级国产视频 Calls for Dialogue and National Reconciliation to End Kenya’s Protracted Political Impasse
In a statement about Kenya’s Oct. 26 election released today, 顶级国产视频 urged Kenya’s political leaders to engage in constructive dialogue to bridge the gap between the opposition and ruling parties, and their respective supporters, following a tense electoral period.

Aug. 10, 2017
顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on the 2017 Kenyan Election
顶级国产视频 commends the people of Kenya for the remarkable patience and resolve they demonstrated during the Aug. 8 elections for president, governors, senators, the national assembly, women’s representatives, and county assemblies. In an impressive display of their commitment to the democratic process, Kenyans were undeterred by long lines and cast their ballots in a generally calm and peaceful atmosphere.

July 27, 2017
顶级国产视频 Commends Efforts of Kenya’s IEBC and Urges Stakeholders to Remain Vigilant Against Electoral Violence
In a pre-election statement, 顶级国产视频 commended Kenya’s Independent Election and Boundaries Commission on its efforts to keep the Aug. 8 election on track despite many challenges. It noted the heightened political competition in Kenya that has resulted from the devolution of power to the counties and the inclusion of many independent candidates, calling it evidence of a strengthening democratic culture.

Oct. 16, 2013
Final Report: Observing Kenya's March 2013 National Elections (PDF)
顶级国产视频 mission to observe the March 4, 2013, voting began in mid-January and continued through late April until the final results were released and challenges decided. On election day, the Center had 52 trained observers from 27 nations deployed across all provinces of the country. Our findings are detailed in this report.

April 4, 2013
Post-election Statement on Tabulation and Announcement of Final Election Results
On March 9, Ahmed Issack Hassan, chairperson of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), announced the results of the presidential election, declaring Uhuru Kenyatta of The National Alliance (TNA) elected with 50.07 percent of the valid votes, ahead of his main challenger, Raila Odinga of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), who garnered 43.3 percent of valid ballots cast.

March 6, 2013
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Kenyan Voters on Peaceful Election, Urges Patience While Results Processed
顶级国产视频 finds that Kenya's polls were well-conducted in a peaceful environment. Voter turnout appears to have been high. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission has made important commitments to improve the transparency of the counting and tabulation of votes. Although partial provisional results are available, the full tabulation of results is ongoing.

Feb. 21, 2013
顶级国产视频 Pleased with Kenya Election Preparations, Urges Politicians and Citizens to Commit to Credible and Peaceful Elections
顶级国产视频 observers in Kenya have found the electoral campaign generally peaceful thus far, and the Center urges all Kenyans to commit themselves to nonviolent participation in the electoral process.

June 26, 2003
Final Report: Observing the 2002 Kenya Elections (PDF)
Observing the 2002 Kenya Elections: Final Report (pdf format), published May, 2002.

Dec. 29, 2002
Postelection Statement on Kenya Elections, Dec. 29, 2002
顶级国产视频 is pleased to have observed Kenya's presidential, parliamentary, and civic elections on 27 December.


June 8, 2009
顶级国产视频 Commends Lebanon's Successful Elections; Notes Shortcomings and Encourages Continued Reform
Executive Summary: 顶级国产视频 commends the Lebanese people and the electoral authorities for the successful conduct of the 2009 parliamentary elections, the results of which have been accepted by both sides. While the process fell short of several of Lebanon's international commitments, most notably secrecy of the ballot, it was conducted with enhanced transparency and in accordance with Lebanon's new consensual electoral law and regulations.

June 1, 2009
Jimmy Carter to Co-Lead 顶级国产视频 Delegation to Observe Lebanon's June 7 Elections
顶级国产视频 announced today that former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and former Yemeni Prime Minister Abdul Karim al-Eryani will lead the Center's international election observation delegation to observe Lebanon's June 7 parliamentary elections. 顶级国产视频 mission will also include more than 50 observers representing more than 20 different nations deployed throughout the country to observe balloting, counting, and tabulation processes.

May 29, 2009
顶级国产视频 Commends Lebanon's Constitutional Council Appointments; Urges Further Clarification of Election Procedures
In a report released today, 顶级国产视频 welcomed the May 26 decision by Lebanon's Council of Ministers to appoint the final five members of the Constitutional Council, the body mandated to adjudicate candidates' challenges to electoral results.

April 21, 2009
顶级国产视频 Launches Election Observation Mission to Lebanon
顶级国产视频 launched an international election observation mission to Lebanon last week by deploying six long-term observers to cover all of the country's qadas (districts). The observers represent a diverse team from six countries: Portugal, Belgium, Iraq, the United Kingdom, Albania, and the United States.


Dec. 7, 2020
顶级国产视频 Statement on Liberia’s Upcoming Election

March 31, 2018
Final Report: National Elections in Liberia, Fall 2017 (PDF)
Liberia’s 2017 elections represented a critical test for the country’s nascent democracy. The elections were the first that the National Elections Commission (NEC) was to conduct fully independently, without large-scale international support.

Oct. 12, 2017
顶级国产视频 Issues Preliminary Statement on Liberia Election
In a preliminary statement issued today, 顶级国产视频 commended Liberians for the calm and peaceful atmosphere of their nation’s Oct. 10 election.

March 30, 2012
Final Report: National Elections in Liberia, Fall 2011
The 2011 presidential and legislative elections were an important test for Liberia's transition from civil war to democratic, constitutional government. They were the second elections since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) in 2003 and were widely seen as an opportunity to consolidate peace and accelerate Liberia's political and economic recovery.

Nov. 21, 2011
顶级国产视频 Statement on Liberia's Tally Process and Post-Electoral Environment
顶级国产视频 reports that the tally process for the Nov. 8 presidential run-off election was conducted transparently and in general accordance with Liberia's obligations for democratic elections. Tallying was carried out smoothly throughout the country, with greater adherence to procedures and fewer irregularities than in the first round of the elections.

Nov. 10, 2011
顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on the Liberia Presidential Run-Off Election
顶级国产视频's election observation mission finds that Liberia's Nov. 8 presidential run-off election was conducted in general accordance with Liberia's legal framework and its international obligations for democratic elections. Regrettably, the election was marred by an opposition boycott, violence on the eve of the election, and low voter turnout.

Oct. 20, 2011
顶级国产视频 Statement on Liberia's Tally Process
顶级国产视频 observers monitoring the tally and the tabulation of final results in Liberia report a largely transparent process with no evidence of systematic fraud or manipulation of results.

Oct. 13, 2011
Preliminary Statement: 顶级国产视频 Reports Open and Transparent Voting Process; Encourages Liberians to Await Final Results
The Oct. 11, 2011, presidential and legislative elections mark an important test for Liberia's transition from civil war to democratic, constitutional government. Read full preliminary statement (PDF) >

Oct. 3, 2011
顶级国产视频 Liberia Pre-Election Statement (PDF)
Liberia's upcoming 2011 presidential and legislative elections represent a critical test for the country's transition from war to democratic and constitutional government. 顶级国产视频 observers report that campaigning has been vibrant and generally peaceful, and that political parties and independent candidates have been able to move freely and to convey their message to potential voters.

Feb. 1, 2007
Final Report: Liberia 2005 Elections: Record of 顶级国产视频 Involvement (PDF)
This report provides an overview of the 顶级国产视频's wide-ranging involvement in the 2005 Liberian elections, including programs with party agents, civil society, and domestic observers as well as the Center's international observation activities. This document supplements the final report of the international observation missions organized jointly by NDI and 顶级国产视频.

Jan. 1, 2007
顶级国产视频/NDI Final Report: Observing Presidential and Legislative Elections in Liberia (PDF)
Final Report on the International Observation Delegations Sponsored by the National Democratic Institute and 顶级国产视频, October - November 2005.

Dec. 14, 2005
2005 Liberian National Elections: 顶级国产视频/NDI Interim Post-Election Statement
The Nov. 10 preliminary statement issued by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) / 顶级国产视频 international observer delegation provided a generally positive overall assessment of the process up to that point.

Nov. 10, 2005
Liberian Presidential Runoff Election: Preliminary Statement of the NDI/顶级国产视频 International Observer Delegation, Nov. 10, 2005 (PDF)
This statement is offered by the 28-member multinational delegation jointly organized by NDI and 顶级国产视频. The delegation was co-led by His Excellency Dr. Alex Ekwueme, former Vice-President of the Republic of Nigeria; Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh, NDI's Senior Associate for Africa; and Dr. David Carroll, Director of the Democracy Program at 顶级国产视频. The delegation included elected officials, electoral and human rights experts, regional specialists and political and civic leaders from Africa, Europe and North America.

Oct. 13, 2005
Preliminary Statement of the NDI/顶级国产视频 International Observer Delegation to the 2005 Liberia Elections, Oct. 13, 2005 (PDF)
This statement is offered by the 40-member multinational delegation jointly organized by NDI and 顶级国产视频. The delegation was co-led by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and former President of Benin Nicéphore Soglo. The delegation included elected officials, electoral and human rights experts, regional specialists and political and civic leaders from 14 countries in Africa, Europe and North America.

Oct. 6, 2005
Arrival Statement by the National Democratic Institute/顶级国产视频 Observer Delegation to the 2005 Liberia Elections
The National Democratic Institute (NDI) and 顶级国产视频 today announced the arrival of their delegation to observe the October 11 presidential and legislative elections in Liberia.

Sept. 27, 2005
Liberia Elections: Read Pre-Election Statement, Election Watch Reports
A 顶级国产视频 staff team conducted an assessment Aug. 11-17, 2005 of electoral conditions at the start of the campaign for Liberia's October 11 elections. The team found that despite enormous logistical challenges and post-conflict conditions, electoral preparedness appears good at this juncture, and the prospects for a competitive election seem high.

Sept. 9, 2005
Statement of The NDI/顶级国产视频 Pre-Election Delegation to Liberia's 2005 Elections
This statement is offered by an international pre-election delegation to Liberia, organized jointly by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and 顶级国产视频. From September 1 through 9, 2005, the delegation assessed the political environment in Liberia in advance of the October 11 presidential and legislative elections. The delegation met with a broad spectrum of Liberian political and civic leaders, government officials, electoral authorities and representatives of the international community in Monrovia. In addition, the delegation traveled outside Monrovia to Bomi, Bong and Grand Bassa Counties, and was informed by in-country staff members and long-term observers who have visited all 15 counties in recent months.

Sept. 1, 2005
First 顶级国产视频 Pre-Election Report on Liberia National Elections, October 2005, Aug. 30, 2005 (PDF)
Note: This report is supplementary to the 顶级国产视频's "Pre-Election Statement on the 2005 Liberia National Elections," released on August 28, 2005. It is intended to be read together with the statement, providing additional observations and details. In support of Liberia's transition from more than two decades of recurring civil conflict to reconciliation and reconstruction, 顶级国产视频 is pleased to contribute to the Oct, 11, 2005, presidential and legislative elections as international observers. These elections are an essential element in the process towards sustainable peace, as expressed in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in Accra in Aug. 2003.

Oct. 1, 1997
Final Report: Observing the 1997 Liberia Special Elections (PDF)
For the July 19 elections, 顶级国产视频 organized a 40-member team of international election monitors. President Carter, former President Nicephore Soglo of Benin, and former U.S. Sen. Paul Simon co-led the mission.


May 6, 2014
Final Report: The 2014 Constitutional Drafting Assembly Elections in Libya (PDF) ( بالعربية.)
Following an invitation from the High National Election Commission, 顶级国产视频 deployed a team of six experts to Libya to assess the elections for a 60-member constituent assembly, or the Constitution Drafting Assembly (CDA), the body charged with drafting a new Libyan constitution according to Libya's interim constitution. 顶级国产视频 team visited Libya in December to learn about the candidate registration process and other key preparations and returned in mid-January to conduct an expert mission focused on key election administration issues. The elections were soundly administered by the High National Election Commission; however, they failed to achieve the desired inclusiveness to have a truly representative body.

Feb. 16, 2014
顶级国产视频 Urges Intensified Voter Education and Security Coordination Ahead of Libya's Elections ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 is conducting a small expert mission in Libya to assess the legal framework, key issues related to the administration and preparation of elections, and the overall political environment ahead of Feb. 20 elections for the Constitutional Drafting Assembly. These elections represent an important stage in the country's transition to democracy.

May 6, 2013
Final Report: General National Congress Elections in Libya, July 7, 2012 (PDF) ( بالعربية.)
On behalf of 顶级国产视频, I would like to thank the people and government of Libya for inviting us to observe the July 7, 2012, election of a General National Congress (GNC) that is preparing the way for entrenching democratic government for the first time in the country's 60 years of independence. In accepting this invitation, we knew that Libyans were recovering from the effects of a deadly civil war that ended only in October 2011 with the overthrow of the dictator Muammar Qadhafi.

July 18, 2012
顶级国产视频 Finds Libya's Tabulation Process Credible ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 welcomes the announcement of preliminary election results by Libya's High National Elections Commission (HNEC) on July 17, 2012, and congratulates HNEC staff for their diligence in completing the tabulation process in a timely manner and for their efforts to ensure that all voters had an opportunity to participate in the elections.

July 9, 2012
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Libyans for Holding Historic Elections ( بالعربية.)
The July 7 elections provided Libyans an historic opportunity to vote in meaningful national polls for the first time in almost six decades. 顶级国产视频 was honored to be invited to observe the elections, and congratulates the Libyan people, the High National Elections Commission (HNEC), and the National Transitional Council (NTC) for their dedication and efforts to support Libya's democratic transition.


Dec. 18, 2014
Final Report: 2013 Legislative and Second Round of Presidential Elections in Madagascar (PDF)
The Dec. 20, 2013, elections in Madagascar marked a turning point in Malagasy history, an important step toward democracy and a foundation for renewed growth and development. The elections offered an opportunity for one of the world's poorest countries to emerge from five years of economic, social, and political stagnation that began with a 2009 coup d'état - when Andry Rajoelina took power from President Marc Ravalomanana. The international community did not recognize Rajoelina's 2009 coup or his government. Isolated and without critical international support, the Malagasy people suffered as domestic political battles derailed development.

Jan. 18, 2014
顶级国产视频 Commends Peaceful Release of Madagascar Final Election Results; Urges Commitment to Reconciliation (En français)
Following today's announcement of final presidential election results, 顶级国产视频 congratulates the people of Madagascar on reaching this key milestone and urges continued commitment to peace and reconciliation.

Dec. 22, 2013
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Madagascar on a Calm and Transparent Polling Process; Encourages Renewed Commitment to National Reconciliation (En français)
On Dec. 20, Madagascar held legislative elections and the second round of presidential elections. Following a protracted political crisis, these elections offer an opportunity that we are hopeful will reinstate a democratically-elected government, enable Madagascar to rejoin the community of nations, and provide a foundation through which to address the prolonged humanitarian crisis that has continued to escalate within recent years.


Nov. 15, 2002
Final Report: Observing The 2002 Mali Presidential Elections (PDF)
The Final Report by 顶级国产视频 of the 2002 Mali Presidential Election.

June 7, 2002
Postelection Statement on Mali Elections, June 7, 2002
This is the 顶级国产视频's second and final public statement on the 2002 presidential elections in Mali. The Center conveyed its preliminary observations of the first round of the presidential elections in an interim statement issued on May 7. This final statement summarizes the Center's overall impressions of Mali's presidential elections. A comprehensive report, including recommendations for electoral reform, is forthcoming.

May 7, 2002
Postelection Statement on Mali Elections, May 7, 2002
顶级国产视频 welcomes the completion of the first round of Mali's 2002 presidential elections. These elections mark an important step in Mali's democratic transition following the completion of President Alpha Oumar Konare's two terms in office. Overall, the elections were peaceful, well managed and conducted in a spirit of transparency. The high number of presidential candidates (24) indicates significant enthusiasm for multiparty electoral competition but also the highly personalized character of politics in Mali. The general atmosphere during the electoral campaign was positive and there were no reports of intimidation before or on election day. However, the conduct of some elements of the electoral process has generated concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the reported results.


March 1, 2001
Final Report: Observing the 2000 Mexico Elections (PDF)
顶级国产视频 has a long history of engagement with Mexico with the shared goal of improving the electoral system in that country.

July 2, 2000
Pre-Election Statement on Mexico Election, July 2, 2000
At the invitation of the major political parties and the government of Mexico and with the welcome of the Federal Election Institute, the Latin American and the Caribbean Program (LACP) of the 顶级国产视频, representing the Council of Presidents and Prime Ministers, dispatched an exploratory mission to Mexico on June 12-14, 2000 to assess the electoral process and propose a strategy to monitor the elections of July 2nd. Led by Dr. Robert Pastor, former Director of the LACP, and Dr. Shelley McConnell, Associate Director of the LACP, the four-member team met with senior party officials, members of the government, IFE, the Electoral Tribunal, and diplomats.

Oct. 1, 1997
Final Report: Observing the 1997 Mexico Elections (PDF)
顶级国产视频 sent a study mission to Mexico during the July 6, 1997 electoral process.

Aug. 1, 1994
Final Report: Observing the 1994 Mexico Elections (PDF)
The final report on the 1994 Mexico Elections by 顶级国产视频.

July 13, 1992
Final Report: Observing the 1992 Mexico Elections (PDF)
In response to an invitation by 8 Mexican observer groups, 顶级国产视频's Council of Freely-Elected Heads of Government sent a delegation of 8 people to witness the observation of the elections in Michoacan and Chihuahua.


June 16, 2016
Final Report: 2014 Presidential, Legislative, and Provincial Assembly Elections in Mozambique
Mozambique’s 2014 elections offered fresh hope for peace and prosperity in a country still struggling to overcome entrenched poverty, rising inequality, and risks of renewed conflict and authoritarian rule. The elections were overall more competitive, peaceful, and transparent than previous elections 顶级国产视频 has observed in Mozambique.

Oct. 17, 2014
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Mozambicans on Largely Peaceful Vote; Encourages Calm As Tabulation Process Continues (Em Português)
顶级国产视频 and the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA) deployed a team of 87 observers representing 40 countries to observe Mozambique's Oct. 15, 2014, presidential, national assembly, and provincial elections at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. The team visited 543 polling stations in 82 of 151 districts and was led by Raila Odinga, former prime minister of Kenya; and co-led by Denis Kadima, executive director of EISA; and John Stremlau, vice president of peace programs for 顶级国产视频. The observation mission was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation.

Oct. 1, 2005
Final Report: Observing the 2004 Mozambique Elections (PDF) (Em Português)
The final 顶级国产视频 report on the Dec. 1-2, 2004, Mozambique elections.

Jan. 26, 2005
Postelection Statement on Mozambique Elections, Jan. 26, 2005 (English and Portuguese)
顶级国产视频 recognizes the overall results and congratulates the elected Frelimo President Armando Emílio Guebuza. However, the Center concludes the National Elections Commission (CNE) has not administered a fair and transparent election in all parts of Mozambique. Political parties must also be held accountable since it is their representatives in the CNE and the Technical Secretariat for Election Administration (STAE) who are responsible for the overall success or failure of the elections. The Center has attempted to observe and assess as much of the verification process as possible but has been hindered by a lack of cooperation by the CNE.

Dec. 21, 2004
Postelection Statement on Mozambique Elections, Dec. 21, 2004 (English and Portuguese)
Continuing its observation of the Dec. 1-2 presidential and legislative elections, 顶级国产视频 has monitored the tabulation of results in provincial capitals and the reclassification of invalid votes at the National Elections Commission (CNE) in Maputo. The Center has followed several issues since the election days that were of concern, including the arrest of Renamo representatives in the Manica, Niassa, and Nampula provinces, delayed poll openings in rural areas of Zambezia, and low voter turnout. The Center will maintain its presence in Mozambique until the conclusion of the elections and then will publish a comprehensive report.

Dec. 4, 2004
Postelection Statement on Mozambique Elections, Dec. 4, 2004 (English and Portuguese)
顶级国产视频 was invited by the National Election Commission (CNE) and welcomed by all major political parties to observe the Dec. 1 – 2 elections. The Center observed the 1999 and 2003 elections, and has been engaged in initiatives in Mozambique, including support for the Agenda 2025 national consensus-building initiative and agriculture production technologies through SG2000.

Nov. 15, 2004
顶级国产视频 to Observe 2004 Mozambican Presidential Elections (English and Portuguese)
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, his wife, Rosalynn, former Benin President Nicéphore Soglo, and 顶级国产视频 Executive Director Dr. John Hardman will lead a 60-member international delegation to observe Mozambique's presidential and legislative elections. 顶级国产视频, which observed the 1999 national elections and the 2003 municipal elections, was invited by the National Election Commission and welcomed by all major political parties to observe the Dec. 1 - 2 elections.

Sept. 1, 2004
顶级国产视频 Report on the Mozambique Voter Registration Update, June 28 to July 15, 2004 (PDF)
In response to an invitation issued by the National Elections Commission (CNE), 顶级国产视频 observed the voter registration update in Mozambique (June 28 - July 15, 2004). The purpose of the mission was twofold: to demonstrate the support and interest of the international community in Mozambique's forthcoming presidential and parliamentary elections and to assess the conduct of the voter registration update.

Sept. 1, 2004
Relatório do 顶级国产视频 sobre a Actualização do Recenseamento Eleitoral de Moçambique, 28 de Junho– 15 de Julho de 2004 (PDF)
Relatório do 顶级国产视频 sobre a Actualização do Recenseamento Eleitoral de Moçambique, 28 de Junho–15 de Julho de 2004.

July 26, 2004
Pre-Election Statement on Mozambique Elections, July 26, 2004 (English and Portuguese)
In response to an invitation issued by the National Elections Commission (CNE), 顶级国产视频 observed the voter registration update in Mozambique from June 28 to July 15. With observers from five countries-Belgium, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Guinea-Conakry, and the United States-顶级国产视频 visited 151 registration brigades in nine provinces.

March 1, 2004
Final Report: Observing the 2003 Mozambique Municipal Elections (PDF)
The final report from 顶级国产视频 on the 2003 Mozambique municipal elections.

March 1, 2004
Eleicoes Autarquicas Mocambique (Final Report: Observing the 2003 Mozambique Municipal Elections, Portuguese version)
Relatorio de Observacao Eleitoral

Jan. 20, 2004
Postelection Statement on Mozambique Elections, Jan. 20, 2004 (English and Portuguese)
顶级国产视频 welcomes the Jan.15, 2004, Constitutional Council of Mozambique announcement of final results for the Nov. 2003 municipal elections.

Nov. 21, 2003
Postelection Statement on Mozambique Elections, Nov. 21, 2003 (English and Portuguese)
Mozambique's second municipal elections were generally well conducted and peaceful. The National Election Commission (CNE), the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE), and local polling staff are to be congratulated for the conduct of all aspects of the polling process on election day. Party delegates from two or more candidates or party lists were present in most polling stations. The participation of candidates from nine smaller parties and six civic groups, in addition to those of the ruling Frelimo party and main opposition Renamo-Electoral Union coalition, speaks to the desire for spirited multiparty competition in Mozambique's 33 municipalities.

Aug. 1, 2000
Final Report: Observing the 1999 Elections in Mozambique (PDF) (Em Português)
After critical first elections supporting both war-to-peace transitions and a move to democracy, a country's second election often presents even greater challenges.

Jan. 1, 2000
Sumário Executivo (PDF)
Mozambique Executive Summary.

Dec. 6, 1999
Postelection Statement on Mozambique Elections, Dec. 6, 1999
顶级国产视频's election observation delegation would like to commend the Mozambican people for their participation in the general elections of December 3-5, and to present this preliminary statement on the electoral process.

Dec. 6, 1999
Press Statement on Mozambique Elections, Dec. 6, 1999
顶级国产视频 commends the Mozambican people for their enthusiastic participation in the Dec. 3-5 elections, and for their demonstration of faith in the democratic process.


Nov. 10, 2020
顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on the 2020 Myanmar General Elections
Press Release | Preliminary Statementသတင်းထုတ်ပြန်ချက်ကနဦးအစီရင်ခံစာ

Oct. 30, 2020
顶级国产视频 Issues Second Statement on Myanmar’s Preelection Environment
Press Release | Statementသတင်းထုတ်ပြန်ချက်အစီရင်ခံစာ

Oct. 13, 2020
顶级国产视频 Issues Statement on Myanmar’s Preelectoral Environment
Press Release | Statementအစီရင်ခံစာ

Sept. 18, 2020
顶级国产视频 Launches Election Observation Mission in Myanmar
Press Release

Aug. 16, 2016
Final Election Report on Observing Myanmar’s 2015 General Elections (PDF) (In Burmese)
On Nov. 8, 2015, Myanmar held the first general election under the 2008 Constitution in which all main political parties, including those that boycotted the election in 2010, chose to participate. 顶级国产视频 observed the election process for over one year, from December 2014 through March 2016. Based on its in-depth observation, 顶级国产视频 reaffirms its congratulations to the people of Myanmar, who exercised their political rights with pride and enthusiasm. Their empowerment and commitment to the democratic process was not only remarkable but crucial to counterbalancing the considerable structural impediments to fully democratic elections. 

Feb. 28, 2016
顶级国产视频 Statement on the Post-Election Environment and Complaints Resolution Process in Myanmar
Myanmar's Union Election Commission has addressed post-election complaints in a transparent manner, 顶级国产视频 said in a statement released today, but the country's new government should address legal and structural issues to make it easier for candidates and citizens to pursue complaints in future elections and to further increase the transparency of the tabulation of results.

Nov. 10, 2015
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Myanmar People on Election, Urges Key Democratic Reforms
顶级国产视频 congratulates the people of Myanmar, who have exercised their political rights with pride and enthusiasm. Both on election day and in the preceding months, they participated as voters, observers, political party agents, election officials, and civil society activists. Their empowerment and commitment to the democratic process was not only remarkable but crucial to counterbalancing the considerable structural impediments to fully democratic elections.

Oct. 27, 2015
顶级国产视频 Releases Latest Statement on Myanmar's Pre-Election Activities
顶级国产视频 today released its latest statement on Myanmar's pre-election activities, making recommendations to help ensure a democratic process in the days to come.

Sept. 25, 2015
顶级国产视频 Issues Statement on Candidate Scrutiny Process and Campaign Environment in Myanmar
顶级国产视频 election observation mission has deployed field teams to observe the electoral campaign, which officially started on Sept. 8. The first week of campaigning, as observed by the Center in three states, was peaceful, and parties report being able to conduct their campaign activities without significant difficulty. The Center remains concerned that strict enforcement of campaign regulations, and recently announced limitations on political speech, could have a negative impact on pre-election political space.

Aug. 19, 2015
顶级国产视频 Issues Second Report and Recommendations on Myanmar's Electoral Process
A number of important steps have been taken in the election process since March 2015, according to a 顶级国产视频 monitoring mission report released today. Observer accreditation procedures have been finalized, a large number of political parties have announced intentions to compete, and most parties have signed a code of conduct.

March 30, 2015
顶级国产视频 Issues Report and Recommendations on Myanmar's Electoral Process
Myanmar's Union Election Commission is making efforts to improve the transparency and integrity of the electoral process in advance of the 2015 general elections, according to a 顶级国产视频 monitoring mission report released today. However, a number of key challenges need to be addressed in order to ensure that the upcoming elections earn the confidence of voters, political parties, and civil society organizations.

Muscogee (Creek)

Fall 2019
Primary and General Elections Muscogee (Creek) Nation
Final Report

Dec. 17, 2019
顶级国产视频 Commends Muscogee (Creek) Nation on Smooth Electoral Process
Press Release

Nov. 5, 2019
顶级国产视频 Observes Smooth Muscogee (Creek) Elections, Recommends Additional Training
Preliminary Statement

Oct. 28, 2019
顶级国产视频 to Send Observers to Muscogee (Creek) Elections
Press Release


View 顶级国产视频 peace/constitutional reports and statements for Nepal >

May 16, 2023
Federal and Provincial Elections in Nepal, Nov. 26 and Dec. 7, 2017
Final Election Report

Dec. 21, 2017
顶级国产视频 Post-Election Statement International Election Observation Mission to Nepal’s 2017 Provincial and Federal Elections (in Nepali)
顶级国产视频 today issued a post-election statement detailing its findings related to Nepal’s vote-counting process. These findings remain preliminary, pending the announcement of election results and the resolution of any disputes. A final report that includes recommendations to help strengthen the conduct of future elections in Nepal will be published in early 2018.

Dec. 8, 2017
顶级国产视频 Commends Nepal’s Voting Process (in Nepali)
In a preliminary statement released today, 顶级国产视频 said that despite political tensions and logistical and operational challenges, the voting process in Nepal’s 2017 federal and provincial elections has generally been well-conducted.

Aug. 20, 2014
Final Report: Political Transition Monitoring in Nepal, 2009-2014 (PDF) (in Nepali)
In this final report, 顶级国产视频 summarizes the key political and electoral findings observed by the Center; explains briefly the history and context of Nepal's political transition process; describes in-depth the Center's efforts to design and implement a political transition observation project; and explains the methodology, achievements, lessons learned, and relevant questions for future consideration for those who may be interested to pursue similar work.

May 16, 2014
Final Report: Observing Nepal's 2013 Constituent Assembly Election (PDF) (in Nepali)
In this final report, 顶级国产视频 assesses the conduct of Nepal's election against the country's legal framework and obligations for democratic elections. The Center hopes that the findings and recommendations in this report will be taken into consideration by the constituent assembly, the election commission, the government, political parties, and civil society when discussing electoral reform.

Nov. 21, 2013
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Nepal on Well-Conducted Election Process (in Nepali)
顶级国产视频 finds that Nepal's Nov. 19 constituent assembly election was conducted remarkably well, especially in the face of attempts by boycotting parties to disrupt the process through violence. The Election Commission of Nepal estimated the voter turnout at more than 70 percent.

Oct. 31, 2013
顶级国产视频 Notes Progress and Concerns Ahead of Nepal's Nov. 19 Election (in Nepali)
In a report released today, 顶级国产视频 offered a series of recommendations to Nepal's election commission, candidates and parties, and government to support the conduct of a credible constituent assembly election on Nov. 19.

Nov. 10, 2008
Final Report on Observing Nepal's 2008 Constituent Assembly Election (PDF)
Nepal's constituent assembly (CA) election is an important milestone on the country's path to permanent peace and prosperity. The Nepali people have demonstrated their dedication to ending the decade-long conflict and their interest in a new and inclusive leadership that will tackle the difficult issues involved in drafting a new constitution and restructuring the Nepali state, and will work to address the critical need for poverty alleviation and widespread development in Nepal.

May 30, 2008
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Nepal's New Constituent Assembly
顶级国产视频 congratulates the people of Nepal, the government, and the political parties on the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly on May 28, 2008. This is a testament to the commitment and dedication of the Nepali people and their political leadership to sustainable peace and multi-party democracy.

April 12, 2008
Nepal Constituent Assembly Election - Preliminary Statement by 顶级国产视频
顶级国产视频 found that the majority of Nepali voters participated in a remarkable and relatively peaceful constituent assembly election on April 10, 2008.

April 1, 2008
Jimmy Carter to Lead Delegation to Observe Nepal's April 10 Elections
顶级国产视频 announced today that its founders, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, will lead the Center's international election observation delegation to Nepal. Dr. Surakiart Sathirathai, former deputy prime minister of Thailand, will co-lead the delegation with the Carters.

March 18, 2008
顶级国产视频 Urges an End to Election-Related Violence in Nepal
顶级国产视频's international election observation mission in Nepal has observed the pre-electoral environment in the country for the past 14 months. The Center is encouraged by the level of electoral preparations and campaigning presently taking place, as this represents a marked increase from the two previous election periods in June and November 2007.

Feb. 17, 2008
顶级国产视频 Calls on Nepal's Government and All Parties to Focus on April 10 Elections
顶级国产视频 has heard from Nepalis nationwide that they want peace, prosperity, and a representative, transparent, and accountable government. Nepal's political leaders need to respond to these expectations by holding a credible election for the constituent assembly on April 10, 2008.

Oct. 6, 2007
顶级国产视频 Statement on the Nepal Election Delay
顶级国产视频 is disappointed with the announcement of a second postponement of Nepal's constituent assembly election. The Center hopes that Nepal's political leadership will now use the time ahead of them wisely to reach reasonable compromises on key issues in dispute.

Oct. 3, 2007
Fourth Pre-election Statement - Nepal's Peace Process at Critical Juncture; 顶级国产视频 Appeals to all Nepali Political Actors to Work Together for Elections
Nepal's peace process is at a critical juncture following the Sept. 18 departure of the Maoists from the interim government and the rapid approach of key electoral deadlines. 顶级国产视频 is encouraged by the renewed commitment of all parties to maintaining unity and pursuing intensive negotiations to resolve contentious issues.

Aug. 10, 2007
Third Pre-election Statement - 顶级国产视频 Urges Nepal to Continue Progress for Nov. 22 Elections
This statement presents the observations and continued findings of the 顶级国产视频's international election observation mission in Nepal. Since March 2007, The Center's 13 international long-term observers (LTOs) have visited all of Nepal's 75 districts, in many cases multiple times, reaching not only to district headquarters but also to the village level.

June 8, 2007
Second Pre-election Statement - 顶级国产视频 International Election Observation Mission in Nepal
This statement presents the observations and continued findings of the 顶级国产视频's international election observation mission in Nepal. In March 2007, the mission deployed 13 long-term observers (LTOs) representing nine different nationalities throughout Nepal to assess the political and electoral environment in the period leading up to the constituent assembly election.

April 16, 2007
Pre-election Statement: 顶级国产视频 Election Observation Mission in Nepal
顶级国产视频 congratulates Nepal's sustained commitment to the peace process and applauds efforts to address political differences through dialogue. Following the Election Commission of Nepal's April 13 announcement indicating that a June constituent assembly election is not technically feasible, it is now up to Nepali political leaders to focus their efforts on putting the proper conditions in place for the conduct of a sound electoral process in a realistic timeframe.


Jan. 6, 2011
The November 2011 Elections in Nicaragua Study Mission Report (PDF) (En Español)
On November 6, 2011 Nicaragua held general elections for president and vice president, national and departmental deputies to the National Assembly, and members of the Central American Parliament. Fraudulent local elections in 2008, a questionable Supreme Court decision in October 2009 to permit the candidacy of incumbent President Daniel Ortega, and a presidential decree in January 2010 extending the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) magistrates in office after their terms expired provided the context for a deeply flawed election process.

Nov. 9, 2011
顶级国产视频 Expert Group Statement on the Nicaragua Elections (En Español)
We acknowledge the strong electoral support given to President Ortega in Sunday's election. Nevertheless, we are troubled by the reports of significant deficiencies in the 2011 electoral process in Nicaragua and their implications for democratic governance. It is perplexing that a country that is showing social and economic improvement has at the same time permitted an erosion of democratic institutions.

May 1, 2007
Final Report: Observing the 2006 Nicaragua Elections (PDF)
Final report of the 顶级国产视频's election observation team on the 2006 Nicaragua elections. En Español: Observación Electoral Nicaragua 2006 (PDF)

Nov. 9, 2006
顶级国产视频 Statement Regarding Nicaragua Election Results
As 顶级国产视频 continues its observation of the electoral process in Nicaragua, we note that the Supreme Electoral Council has reported the results for 92 percent of the polling stations. These results indicate that Daniel Ortega has a clear lead of 9 percent over the second place finisher Eduardo Montealegre in the presidential race.

Nov. 7, 2006
顶级国产视频 Election Observation Mission to Nicaragua Issues Post-Election Statement (English and Spanish)
Once again we wish to thank the Supreme Electoral Council and the government of Nicaragua for their kind invitations to observe the 2006 election process. This is the 4th national election 顶级国产视频 has observed in Nicaragua since 1990, and each experience brings fresh lessons.

Nov. 6, 2006
顶级国产视频 to Issue Preliminary Statement on Nicaragua's Elections During Managua Press Conference
顶级国产视频 will issue a preliminary statement of findings on Nicaragua's Nov. 5 presidential, vice-presidential, and legislative elections during a press conference scheduled for 11:30 a.m. EDT Nov. 7 at the InterContinental Metrocentro Hotel.

Nov. 4, 2006
Statement by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and 顶级国产视频 on the Eve of the Nicaragua Elections (English and Spanish)
This is the fourth national election that 顶级国产视频 has observed in Nicaragua, beginning in 1990. Your country has always held a special place in my heart. It is a pleasure to be here in the company of my two co-leaders, the former president of Panama Nicolás Ardito Barletta and the former president of Peru Alejandro Toledo.

Oct. 27, 2006
顶级国产视频 Names Leaders for Election Mission to Nicaragua (English and Spanish)
顶级国产视频 announced today that it has named former Peru President Alejandro Toledo and former Panama President Nicolás Ardito Barletta to join former U.S. President Jimmy Carter as co-leaders in observing Nicaragua's national elections on Nov. 5, 2006. 顶级国产视频 delegation will also include 50 international observers deployed throughout the country.

Oct. 20, 2006
Election Statement: 顶级国产视频 Election Observation Mission in Nicaragua
Having accompanied Nicaragua's election process throughout 2006, and monitored it intensively since September, 顶级国产视频 takes this occasion to express its views concerning the progress of the preparations for the November 5th balloting.

Sept. 20, 2006
顶级国产视频 Launches Election Observers in Nicaragua
顶级国产视频 fielded its first election observers in Nicaragua on Sept. 8, 2006, sending seven observers to begin monitoring the election process. The observers received a two-day training at the 顶级国产视频's Managua office before deploying to Esteli, Leon, Matagalpa, Granada, Juigalpa, Bluefields, and Puerto Cabezas. The Center will also initiate observation of the Department of Managua from its office in the capital this week.

July 6, 2006
Statement by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Nicaragua's Pre-Election Climate (English and Spanish)
Rosalynn and I have spent three days in Managua learning about the election process, accompanied by the Director of the Americas Program at 顶级国产视频 Dr. Jennifer McCoy, Senior Associate Director Dr. Shelley McConnell, our new Chief of Mission for the Nicaraguan Elections Dr. Jaime Aparicio, and our political analyst David Dye.

June 21, 2006
顶级国产视频 Observes Nicaragua's Voter Registration Verification Process (English and Spanish)
顶级国产视频 sent a group of 11 experts from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ireland, the UK, and the U.S. to Nicaragua for the purpose of observing citizen verification of the voting rolls during the weekend of June 17 and 18, 2006.

June 15, 2006
Message to the Nicaraguan Electorate Encouraging Participation in the Verification Process (Spanish and English)
En los próximos días Los ciudadanos nicaragüenses tendrán la oportunidad de participar en un proceso de verificación en el que confirmarán personalmente que sus nombres se incluyen en el padrón electoral de las elecciones de noviembre.

May 10, 2006
Third Report on the Nicaraguan Pre-Election Process (Spanish and English)
顶级国产视频 is pleased to announce that former U.S. President Jimmy Carter will visit Nicaragua from July 3-5, 2006, to assess the progress of preparations for that country's national election on November 5. During his stay, President Carter will meet with Nicaragua's electoral and governmental authorities to discuss possible modalities for a 顶级国产视频 election observation mission. He will also meet with the entire spectrum of participants in this year's election, along with Nicaraguan civil society organizations and both national and international observers.

Feb. 23, 2006
Communiqué on Nicaragua's Pre-Election Climate (Spanish and English)
In response to an invitation extended by the seven members of the Supreme Electoral Council, 顶级国产视频 announced today that it is sending a small contingent of observers to the regional elections on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, scheduled for March 5, 2006.

Feb. 7, 2006
顶级国产视频 Report on Pre-Election Delegation Visit to Nicaragua, Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2006 (Spanish and English)
En enero de 2006, El Centro Carter recibió del Presidente del Consejo Supremo Electoral, el Dr. Roberto Rivas, una invitación para observar las elecciones regionales y nacionales a realizarse en Nicaragua en los meses de marzo y noviembre del 2006. In January 2006, 顶级国产视频 received from the President of the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE), Dr. Roberto Rivas, an invitation to observe Nicaragua's regional and national elections to be held in March and November 2006 respectively.

April 1, 2002
Final Report: Observing The 2001 Nicaraguan Elections (PDF)
Nicaragua's Supreme Electoral Council invited 顶级国产视频 to monitor the 2001 national elections as we had done in 1990 and 1996.
En Español: Observando Las Elecciones Nicaraguenses de 2001 (PDF)

Nov. 7, 2001
Declaración post electoral sobre las elecciones en Nicaragua, noviembre de 7 del 2001 (PDF)
El 4 de noviembre, los nicaragüenses acudieron masivamente a las urnas para elegir un nuevo presidente y vice presidente, diputados de la Asamblea Nacional y representantes ante el Parlamento Centroamericano. El Centro Carter monitoreó las elecciones de 2001 respondiendo a una invitación del Consejo Supremo Electoral (CSE) y alentado por los partidos políticos y grupos cívicos.

Nov. 7, 2001
Postelection Statement on Nicaragua Elections, Nov. 7, 2001 (PDF)
Nicaraguans went to the polls in large numbers Sunday, November 4 to elect a new president and vice president, members of the National Assembly, and representatives to the Central American Parliament. 顶级国产视频 monitored the election at the invitation of the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) and with the encouragement of political parties and civic groups.

Nov. 3, 2001
Declaración del ex-Presidente de los Estados Unidos Jimmy Carter sobre las elecciones en Nicaragua, noviembre de 3 del 2001 (PDF)
Por tercera vez el Centro Carter se encuentra aquí para observar unas elecciones nacionales. En cada ocasión, el pueblo nicaragüense nos ha ofrecido una cálida bienvenida. Hemos sido testigos del crecimiento de la democracia en este hermoso país.

Nov. 3, 2001
Pre-Election Statement by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Nicaragua Elections, Nov. 3, 2001 (PDF)
顶级国产视频 is here for the third time to observe national elections, and the Nicaraguan people have always welcomed us. We have witnessed the growth of democracy in this beautiful country.

Nov. 1, 2001
Pre-Election Statement on Nicaragua Elections, Nov. 1, 2001 (PDF)
As the election campaign comes to a close and Nicaraguans enter a period of reflection in preparation for voting Sunday, 顶级国产视频 wishes to report the following electoral developments.

Nov. 1, 2001
Declaracion pre-electoral sobre las elecciones en Nicaragua, noviembre de 1 del 2001 (PDF)
Ahora que llega a su fin la campana electoral y los nicaragüenses entran a un periodo de reflexión antes de emitir su este domingo, el Centro Carter desea reportar lo siguiente acerca de los mas recientes acontecimientos relacionados con las elecciones:

Oct. 3, 2001
Pre-Election Statement on Nicaragua Elections, Oct. 3, 2001 (PDF)
顶级国产视频 has been invited by the Supreme Electoral Council to observe the national elections in Nicaragua scheduled for November 4, 2001. It has organized an election observation mission, and in July sent a first delegation to Managua to undertake an initial evaluation of the electoral process.

Sept. 24, 2001
Pre-Election Statement on Nicaragua Elections, Sept. 24, 2001 (PDF)
In this document, 顶级国产视频 wishes to communicate to the Nicaraguan public its point of view about recent events in the 2001 electoral process, and signal some themes that our second pre-election delegations will explore with the election authorities and political parties during its visit beginning the 27th of this month.

Sept. 24, 2001
Declaracion pre-electoral sobre las elecciones en Nicaragua, septiembre de 24 del 2001 (PDF)
A través de este medio, el Centro Carter desea comunicar al público nicaragüense sus puntos de vista sobre los últimos acontecimientos del proceso electoral 2001, y señalar algunos temas que nuestra segunda delegación pre-electoral va a explorar con las autoridades electorales y los partidos politicos en su visita el 27 del presente mes.

July 16, 2001
Pre-Election Statement on Nicaragua Elections, July 16, 2001 (PDF)
On May 18, 2001, Nicaragua's Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) extended an invitation to 顶级国产视频 to observe the November 2001 national elections in which the Nicaraguan people will select a president, vice president, deputies to the legislature, and representatives to the Central American Parliament.

May 1, 2001
Declaracion pre-electoral sobre las elecciones en Nicaragua, mayo de 1 del 2001 (PDF)
El 18 de mayo de 2001 el Consejo Supremo Electoral (CSE) de Nicaragua extendió al Centro Carter una invitación para observar las elecciones nacionales de noviembre de 2001, en las cuales el pueblo nicaragüense elegirá un presidente, un vicepresidente, diputados legislativos, y representantes ante el Parlamento Centroamericano. El Centro Carter aceptó la invitación, y organizó una delegación pre-electoral que visitó Nicaragua durante los días 16-22 de julio de 2001 para evaluar el clima político así como los preparativos para la votación.

Nov. 1, 2000
Postelection Statement on Nicaragua Elections, Nov. 1, 2001 (PDF)
Responding to an invitation from Nicaragua's Supreme Electoral Council (CSE), 顶级国产视频 organized a three-part election observation mission to that country in the fall of 2000.

Oct. 25, 2000
Pre-Election Statement on Nicaragua Elections, Oct. 25, 2000
顶级国产视频 has followed election processes in Nicaragua since 1989, including the January 2000 reform of the electoral law and subsequent reorganization of the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE).

Oct. 25, 2000
Declaracion pre-electoral sobre las elecciones en Nicaragua, octubre de 25 del 2000
El Centro Carter ha seguido de cerca el desarrollo de los procesos electorales en Nicaragua desde 1989, incluyendo la reforma de la ley electoral EN enero del 2000 y la subsiguiente reorganización del Consejo Supremo Electoral (CSE).

Feb. 26, 1997
Final Report: Observing the 1996 Nicaragua Elections (PDF)
At the invitation of the Supreme Electoral Council and the Nicaraguan political parties, 顶级国产视频's Council of Freely Elected Heads of Government, along with the OAS and several international NGO's, observed the Oct. 20, 1996, elections.

Nov. 15, 1996
Postelection Statement on Nicaragua Elections, Nov. 15, 1996
顶级国产视频's electoral observation mission to Nicaragua wishes to express its admiration for the peaceful and civic way in which the people and political parties of Nicaragua have participated in all phases of the vote count process since the Oct. 20 national elections.

July 1, 1990
Observing Nicaragua's Elections, 1989-1990 (#1, July 1990) (PDF)
Report form the Council of Freely Elected Heads of Government on its election observation process in Nicaragua.


Nov. 22, 2003
Pre-Election Statement on Nigeria Elections, Nov. 22, 2002 (PDF)
This statement is the product of the National Democratic Institute and 顶级国产视频 pre-election assessment mission that visited Nigeria Nov. 17-22, 2002. To support the work of the delegation, a 13-person advance team of observers visited nine states in all six geo-political zones Nov. 7-15 and conducted more than 100 meetings and interviews. The statement details the delegation¡¯s observations and respectfully includes specific recommendations to stakeholders for ways to improve the conduct of the elections.

March 28, 2003
Pre-Election Statement on Nigeria Elections, March 28, 2003
This report is the product of a pre-election assessment team organized by The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and 顶级国产视频 that visited Nigeria March 16-21, 2003.

June 1, 1999
Final Report: Observing The 1998-99 Nigeria Elections, Summer 1999 (PDF)
The sudden death of military dictator Gen. Sani Abacha in June 1998 and the positive steps taken towards democracy by his successor, Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar raised the hopes that Nigeria might end a 15-year period of non-democratic rule. 顶级国产视频 monitored all stages of the transition, culminating in the Feb. 27 presidential election. The report details Nigeria's troubled past, transition issues, and the monitoring of the elections.

Postelection Statement on Nigeria Elections, March 1, 1999
顶级国产视频 and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) offer this statement on the February 27 presidential election in Nigeria, to supplement the preliminary statement of February 28.

Feb. 28, 1999
Postelection Statement oon Nigeria Elections, Feb. 28, 1999
顶级国产视频 and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) offer this preliminary statement on the February 27 presidential election in Nigeria. A more detailed report will be made available at a 10 AM press conference tomorrow following further releases of election results, a more detailed analysis of the observations of our delegation, and of the information collected from the thousands of Nigerian election observers. Our 66-member delegation visited polling stations and collation centers in 20 states and the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja.


April 15, 2022
顶级国产视频 Municipal Elections Report Offers Recommendations, Urges Third Phase in Gaza
Press Release | Final Report | بالعربية

April 5, 2022
顶级国产视频: Palestinian Municipal Elections Well-Administered, Steps Urgently Needed to Facilitate National Polls
Preliminary Report | بالعربية

Oct. 21, 2012
Palestine Electoral Study Mission Urges Political Reconciliation
The Oct. 20, 2012 municipal polls, the first to be held in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) since 2006, took place under significant pressures, including the conduct of elections while under Israeli occupation, the political impasse between the two leading Palestinian political movements, and the continued erosion of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms by political actors in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Jan. 26, 2006
Preliminary Statement of the NDI/顶级国产视频 International Observer Delegation to the Palestinian Legislative Council Elections
This preliminary statement on the January 25, 2006 Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) elections is offered by the international observer delegation organized by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in partnership with 顶级国产视频.

Jan. 25, 2006
Final NDI Report: The Palestinian Legislative Council Elections (PDF)
At the invitation of the Palestinian Central Elections Commission (CEC), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), in partnership with 顶级国产视频, organized an 84-member international delegation to monitor the January 2006 Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) elections. The delegation was led by former United States President Jimmy Carter, former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt, former Albanian President Rexhep Meidani, and former Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs Ana Palacio. The observation mission was supported by a grant from the United States Agency for International Development.

Jan. 6, 2006
Palestinian Legislative Council Elections: Pre-Election Assessment Statement of 顶级国产视频/National Democratic Institute (PDF)
An assessment by 顶级国产视频 and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)of the pre-election environment, including technical preparations and the political context, ahead of the Palestinian Legislative Council elections scheduled for January 25.(PDF) Pre-election assessment,
January 6.

April 15, 2005
Final Report: National Democratic Institute Final Report on the Palestinian Presidential Election, Jan. 9, 2005 (PDF)
The final National Democratic Institute report on the Palestinian presidential election held Jan. 9, 2005. 顶级国产视频 participated with NDI in their election observations.

Jan. 10, 2005
Preliminary Statement of the NDI and 顶级国产视频 International Election Observer Delegation to the Jan. 9, 2005, Palestinian Presidential Election, Jan. 10, 2005 (PDF)
The Preliminary Statement of the NDI and 顶级国产视频 International Election Observer Delegation to the Jan. 9, 2005 Palestinian Presidential Election, released Jan. 10, 2005.

Dec. 22, 2004
Statement of the National Democratic Institute Pre-Election Assessment Mission to the 2005 Palestinian Presidential Elections (PDF)
This statement has been prepared by a pre-election assessment team organized by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in partnership with 顶级国产视频. The delegation examined technical preparations and the political environment leading up to the presidential election in the West Bank and Gaza, currently scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 9, 2005.

March 1, 1997
Final Report: Observing the 1996 Palestine Elections (PDF)
A 41-member international delegation, organized by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and 顶级国产视频, observed the January 20, 1996, elections in all 16 constituencies of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


Aug. 1, 1994
Final Report: Observing the 1994 Panama Elections (PDF)
At the invitation of the Electoral Tribunal of Panama, the 顶级国产视频's Council of Freely Elected Heads of Government observed the May 8, 1994, elections.

July 1, 1989
Final Report: Observing the 1989 Panama Elections (PDF)
A 22-member international delegation, organized by the National Republican Institute for International Affairs and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, in conjunction with the Council for Freely-Elected Heads of Government, observed the May 7, 1989, Panamanian national elections.


Aug. 1, 1993
Final Report: Observing the 1993 Paraguay Elections (PDF)
A 31-member international observer delegation sponsored by the National Democratic Institute for International Affaires (NDI) and 顶级国产视频's Council of Freely Elected Heads of Government witnessed Paraguay's May 9, 1993, national elections.


June 4, 2001
Postelection Statement on Peru Elections, June 4, 2001 (PDF)

April 9, 2001
Declaración post-electoral sobre las elecciones en Peru, abril de 9 de 2001
Esta declaración ha sido elaborada por la Delegación de Observación Electoral Internacional Conjunta del Instituto Nacional Demócrata (NDI)/ Centro Carter al Perú para las elecciones presidenciales y congresales extraordinarias del 8 de Abril de 2001. La Delegación visitó el Perú del 4 al 10 de Abril, incluyó 35 miembros de 11 países, y fue encabezada por el Sr.

April 9, 2001
Postelection Statement on Peru Elections, April 9, 2001
This statement is offered by the joint National Democratic Institute (NDI)/顶级国产视频 international election observer delegation to Peru's April 8, 2001, extraordinary presidential and congressional elections.

Jan. 26, 2001
Declaración pre-electoral sobre las elecciones en Peru, enero de 26 del 2001 (PDF)
Declaración De La Delegación PreElectoral Al Perú Del Instituto Nacional Demócrata (NDI)/Centro Carter.

Jan. 26, 2001
Pre-Election Statement on Peru Elections, Jan. 26, 2001 (PDF)
This statement is offered by an international pre-election delegation to Peru, organized jointly by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and the 顶级国产视频.

Jan. 1, 2001
Peru 2001 Interim Report (PDF)
Peru's 2001 elections represented an extraordinary accomplishment in the process of returning Peru to the world community of democracies. Hundreds of thousands of Peruvians helped to ensure the integrity of the election process, sending a clear message of their desire and determination to establish a government based on a democratic electoral mandate.

Jan. 1, 2001
Peru 2001 Interim Report (Spanish PDF)
Las elecciones de Perú del 2001 representaron un logro extraordinario en el proceso de devolver el Perú a la comunidad democrática mundial. Cientos de miles de peruanos ayudaron a asegurar la integridad del proceso electoral, enviando así un mensaje claro de su deseo y determinación de establecer un gobierno basado en un mandato electoral democrático.

May 25, 2000
Pre-Election Statement on Peru Elections, May 25, 2000
Since last December, four successive observer missions, sponsored jointly by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the 顶级国产视频, have pointed to fundamental flaws in Peru's electoral process.

May 5, 2000
Pre-Election Statement on Peru Elections, May 5, 2000
This statement is offered by an international pre-election delegation to Peru, organized jointly by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and 顶级国产视频. The delegation visited Peru from April 30 through May 5, 2000. This is the fourth in a series of NDI/顶级国产视频 delegations that have observed Peru's election process thus far.

March 24, 2000
Pre-Election Statement on Peru Elections, March 24, 2000
This statement is offered by an international pre-election delegation to Peru, organized jointly by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and 顶级国产视频. The delegation visited Peru from March 17 through March 24, 2000. This is the third in a series of NDI/顶级国产视频 delegations that have observed the pre-election period.

Feb. 11, 2000
Pre-Election Statement on Peru Elections, Feb. 11, 2000
This statement is offered by an international pre-election delegation to Peru, organized jointly by the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and 顶级国产视频. The delegation visited Peru from February 7 through February 11, 2000. This is the second in a planned series of three NDI/顶级国产视频 delegations that will observe the pre-election period.

Jan. 1, 2000
Final Report: Observing the 2000 Peru Elections (PDF)
At the request of Peruvian civic and political leaders, and with an invitation from the Peruvian electoral authorities, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and 顶级国产视频 (TCC) agreed to organize a comprehensive international monitoring effort focusing first on the critical pre-election period. Prior to the voting on April 9, NDI and 顶级国产视频 organized three high-level pre-election assessment missions and opened a Lima office in January 2000 to provide in-country monitoring of electoral developments.


March 15, 2024
General Elections in the Philippines, May 9, 2022
Final Report (PDF)

June 17, 2016
Limited Election Observation Mission to the Philippines (PDF)
顶级国产视频 deployed a limited election observation mission to the Philippines in advance of the May 9, 2016, general elections. The mission focused its observation work on Mindanao, and in particular on the broader electoral context, including violence around elections; freedom of expression, assembly and choice in the campaign environment; campaign finance; and the resolution of electoral disputes.

May 4, 2011
Final Report: 顶级国产视频 Limited Mission to the May 2010 Elections in the Philippines (PDF)
With the agreement of the Philippine election commission, 顶级国产视频 conducted a limited observation mission to the Philippine elections of May 10, 2010, to assess the impact of automated voting technology on the electoral process.

Sierra Leone

June 25, 2023
顶级国产视频 Calls for Transparency and Urges Patience as Vote Tallying is Underway in Sierra Leone Election
Press Release

June 20, 2023
Former U.S. Ambassador Cameron Hume to Lead 顶级国产视频’s Sierra Leone Election Observation Mission
Press Release

May 10, 2023
顶级国产视频 Launches Mission to Observe Sierra Leone’s National Elections
Press Release

March 23, 2018
顶级国产视频 Issues Expert Mission Report on Sierra Leone’s March 7 Elections
A 顶级国产视频 report issued today by its expert electoral mission for the March 7 general elections in Sierra Leone urges the two main parties to support a peaceful and genuine process for the runoff schedule for March 27.

Oct. 16, 2013
Final Report: Observing Sierra Leone's November 2012 National Elections (PDF)
Sierra Leone held presidential, parliamentary, and local government elections on Nov. 17, 2012. In September, 顶级国产视频 deployed eight long-term observers to monitor election preparations by the electoral authorities in Freetown and around the country. The mission surged in November, with some 40 observers from 18 countries able to visit over 200 polling stations in 64 constituencies in all 14 districts throughout the country.The Center's findings are detailed in this report.

Nov. 19, 2012
Sierra Leone 2012 General Elections: 顶级国产视频 Reports Transparent and Orderly Process, Urges Sierra Leoneans to Await Results
The Nov. 17, 2012, elections are the first self-administered elections to be conducted in Sierra Leone since the end of the civil war, representing an important test for the country's democratic consolidation. 顶级国产视频 observers reported that voting and counting processes were peaceful, orderly, transparent, and in general accordance with Sierra Leone's legal framework and obligations for democratic elections.

Nov. 1, 2012
顶级国产视频 Pre-election Statement Reports Generally Peaceful Campaign in Sierra Leone and Urges Voter Education and Other Steps to Enhance Electoral Preparations
Sierra Leone's upcoming presidential, parliamentary, and local council elections represent a critical test for the country's emerging democratic institutions 10 years after the end of the civil war. 顶级国产视频 observers report that the campaign period has been generally peaceful, allowing political parties to assemble freely and to convey their message to potential voters.

May 1, 2003
Final Report: Observing the 2002 Sierra Leone Elections (PDF)
Observing the 2002 Sierra Leone Elections: Final Report.

May 16, 2002
Postelection Statement on Sierra Leone Elections, May 16, 2002
The May 14 elections represent a tremendous step forward for Sierra Leone. After ten years of devastating civil war, the Sierra Leonean people have made a courageous choice in favor of peace. They should be congratulated for this choice and every effort must be made to ensure that the peace will be a lasting one. Election day itself is only one part of this process. A long road still lies ahead for Sierra Leoneans as they seek to consolidate democratic institutions, reaffirm the rule of law, and build a framework for sustainable development.

Sudan (Republic of Sudan/Republic of South Sudan)

Feb. 9, 2012
Final Report: Observing the 2011 Referendum on the Self-Determination of Southern Sudan (PDF)
On July 9, 2011, the state of South Sudan was formed following a decisive and peaceful vote for secession from Sudan in January 2011. Several million Southern Sudanese, casting ballots in all 25 states of Sudan and eight other countries, voted nearly unanimously for separation in the referendum for the self-determination of Southern Sudan mandated by the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). 顶级国产视频 observed the entirety of the referendum process, beginning in August 2010 and continuing through the conclusion of polling, counting, and tabulation of votes.

Feb. 7, 2012
South Sudan: 顶级国产视频 Urges Broad Participation in Assembly's Hearing on Political Parties Bill
顶级国产视频 commends South Sudan's National Legislative Assembly for its decision to convene a public hearing on the draft Political Parties Bill and solicit input from political parties, civil society, and citizens. This is an important opportunity for South Sudanese to provide input and demonstrate citizens' interest in the political process. 顶级国产视频 urges interested stakeholders to review the bill and participate in the public hearing, which will be held Feb. 9-10 in Juba.

Nov. 16, 2011
顶级国产视频 Commends South Sudan on Inclusive Approach to Foundational Democratic Laws, Emphasizes Key Issues for Consideration by Assembly
顶级国产视频 commends the government of the Republic of South Sudan (RoSS) for the inclusive and consultative approach it has taken thus far in its drafting of the National Elections Act of 2011 and Political Parties Bill 2011. With a new transitional constitution in place, it is critical that the spirit of inclusiveness continues as the Republic of South Sudan takes additional steps to form the foundation of its legal system as a sovereign country.

Aug. 26, 2011
顶级国产视频 Calls for a Peaceful Resolution of the Stalemate in the Blue Nile Popular Consultations
顶级国产视频 calls on stakeholders in Blue Nile to use dialogue and inclusive negotiations to solve the current standstill around the popular consultations and to recommit to the spirit of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) by reaching a peaceful settlement.

July 15, 2011
Sudan: 顶级国产视频 Calls for Formal Extension of the Blue Nile Popular Consultations
In a report issued today, 顶级国产视频 recognized the announcement of Sudan President Omar al-Bashir to extend the Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan popular consultations, and urged the National Assembly to formalize this extension, creating a specific timetable to consider issues raised in public hearings and opening discussions on a national level as deemed necessary. Read the full report (PDF) >

July 2, 2011
顶级国产视频 Urges Meaningful Deliberation of Draft Transitional Constitution  بالعربية.
As Southern Sudan prepares for independence in the face of recent armed conflict with the North, it is critically important that the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) and the ruling Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) take steps to demonstrate a strong commitment to inclusive and participatory governance. In the short time remaining before independence on July 9, the GoSS should make efforts to review previous citizen input on the draft transitional constitution, and both before and after its entry into force take greater steps to inform citizens about the transition process.

May 18, 2011
Vote in South Kordofan is Peaceful and Credible, Despite Climate of Insecurity and Some Irregularities
Despite a climate of heightened insecurity and instances of procedural irregularities that removed an important safeguard of the process, South Kordofan's elections were generally peaceful and credible. The voting, counting, and results aggregation processes were conducted in a nonpartisan and transparent manner under intense scrutiny from leading political parties.

May 9, 2011
顶级国产视频 Calls For Calm As Parties Await Electoral Results - South Kordofan Gubernatorial And State Legislative Elections ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 urges calm during the aggregation of results for the South Kordofan gubernatorial and legislative elections. 顶级国产视频 calls on all contesting parties and candidates to continue to observe the results aggregation peacefully, to ask their supporters to remain calm and to seek recourse to potential electoral disputes through established legal channels.

April 28, 2011
顶级国产视频 Notes Concerns With Security in South Kordofan, Progress in Polling Preparations (PDF)
顶级国产视频 is concerned by recent deteriorations in South Kordofan's security environment and calls on all sides to promote a genuine and credible polling process for the state. Although the recently concluded candidate nomination period was largely conducted transparently, efficiently, and peacefully, there have been worrying developments during the campaign period.

March 28, 2011
顶级国产视频 Notes Concerns with Low Voter Registration Turnout in South Kordofan, Highlights Steps Needed for Credible Polling Process
In a statement released today, 顶级国产视频 welcomed the completion of the voter registration process in South Kordofan. The process was conducted in a generally peaceful environment and the majority of registration centers operated without major problems. However, the Center notes several shortcomings that hurt the inclusiveness and integrity of voter registration and resulted in low turnout.

March 21, 2011
顶级国产视频 Urges Political Parties and Blue Nile Popular Consultation Commission to Ensure Genuine Dialogue on Key Issues in Blue Nile State
In a statement issued today, 顶级国产视频 reports that the first phase of the popular consultation in Blue Nile produced notable accomplishments, but that state legislative assembly members, political parties, and consultation authorities should work collaboratively to ensure a more transparent and genuine dialogue on the key issues in remaining phases of the process in Blue Nile.

March 17, 2011
顶级国产视频 Urges Inclusive Transition Process in Southern Sudan
Distrust between the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) and opposition parties is a critical challenge that undermines the unity of Southern Sudan on the eve of its independence. To ensure a successful transition, 顶级国产视频 urges all Southern Sudanese political leaders to agree on genuinely inclusive processes for reviewing and adopting the transitional constitution and planning for the transition.

Feb. 14, 2011
顶级国产视频 Congratulates Success of Southern Sudan Referendum, Encourages Steps to Strengthen Future Elections
顶级国产视频 congratulates the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission, the Southern Sudan Referendum Bureau, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement partners, and the Sudanese people on the announcement of the final results of the referendum on the self-determination of Southern Sudan. The results indicate overwhelming popular support for the secession of Southern Sudan, and their announcement marks the successful conclusion of the referendum process. The Center's observation mission finds that the referendum provided a credible expression of the will of the Southern Sudanese people and has been broadly consistent with international standards.

Jan. 17, 2011
顶级国产视频 Finds Sudanese Referendum Peaceful and Credible ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 observation mission congratulates the people of Sudan for the successful conduct of the historic referendum on self-determination, which was marked by an overwhelming turnout of enthusiastic voters during a peaceful and orderly seven-day voting period.

Dec. 14, 2010
Final Report: Observing Sudan's 2010 National Elections, April 11–18, 2010 (PDF) |  (بالعربية.)
The April 2010 elections in Sudan were mandated by the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). They were intended to be instrumental in setting the stage for the referendum and corresponding negotiations and were envisioned as a critical part of a broader democratic transformation. In the period between the CPA's signing and the holding of the national elections, political rights and freedoms were circumscribed, placing limits on political parties and civil society and fostering distrust between the ruling parties and the opposition in the North and South that was to prove central in undermining the inclusiveness and credibility of the elections.

Dec. 15, 2010
顶级国产视频 Finds Southern Sudan Voter Registration Credible, Strong Step Toward Referendum Despite Some Weaknesses
In a statement issued today, 顶级国产视频 reported that although the voter registration for the Southern Sudan Referendum on self-determination faced several logistical, procedural, and security challenges, the process was generally credible and represents a strong step toward the successful conduct of the referendum.

Nov. 24, 2010
顶级国产视频 Statement on Sudan Referendum: Strong Start to Registration But Urgent Action Needed to Ensure Broad Participation
顶级国产视频 welcomes the successful opening of voter registration for the Southern Sudan Referendum on self-determination and congratulates the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) and Southern Sudan Referendum Bureau (SSRB) on their preparations for the first days of registration, particularly in Southern Sudan where the process is challenged by difficult logistics. 顶级国产视频 urges the SSRC to deliver additional materials to the referendum centers , where high demand is rapidly depleting supplies.

Nov. 15, 2010
顶级国产视频 Deploys More than 50 Observers to Monitor Sudan's Voter Registration ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 deployed more than 50 observers across Sudan and overseas on Nov. 12 to observe the voter registration process for the Southern Sudan referendum on self-determination. The current deployment significantly increases the size of the Center's international observation mission and expands its presence to out-of-country registration locations in eight countries during the registration process, which was formally launched today by the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC). The 56 observers join the Center's team of 16 long-term observers and additional core staff in Sudan.

Oct. 29, 2010
顶级国产视频 Notes Progress But Urges Critical Steps to Ensure Credible Voter Registration and Referenda Processes In Sudan
In its latest statement on Sudan's referenda processes, 顶级国产视频 noted important progress by the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission (SSRC) and Southern Sudan Referendum Bureau (SSRB) in establishing and swearing in nearly all of the county subcommittees of Southern Sudan and publishing a referendum calendar.

Sept. 28, 2010
顶级国产视频 Deploys International Referendum Observers in Sudan ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 deployed 16 long-term observers from 12 nations this week to assess the referendum process in Southern Sudan and in the areas in the North where voting will occur. Four two-person observer teams have been deployed in Southern Sudan, three teams in Northern Sudan, and one team in Abyei.

May 10, 2010
顶级国产视频 Reports Widespread Irregularities in Sudan's Vote Tabulation and Strongly Urges Steps to Increase Transparency
In a statement released today, 顶级国产视频 reported that based on its direct observations, Sudan's vote tabulation process was highly chaotic, non-transparent, and vulnerable to electoral manipulation. As a result, the Center is concerned about the accuracy of the preliminary results announced by the National Elections Commission (NEC), as procedures and safeguards intended to ensure accuracy and transparency have not been systematically applied and in some areas have been routinely bypassed.

April 17, 2010
顶级国产视频 Election Observation Mission in Sudan Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Legislative Elections, April 2010
顶级国产视频 commends the Sudanese people for the generally peaceful polling process to date and urges that the remaining stages of counting, tabulation, and posting of results be carried out transparently and accurately.

March 18, 2010
顶级国产视频 Welcomes Sudan's Elections Campaign, Urges Steps to Ensure Open and Inclusive Process
In its latest statement on Sudan's electoral process, 顶级国产视频 notes that while much has been achieved in organizing the 2010 elections, the country's first competitive elections since 1986, the process remains at risk on multiple fronts including the ability of candidates to campaign freely and the impact of delayed logistical preparations by the National Elections Commission (NEC).

Dec. 17, 2009
顶级国产视频 Commends Broad Participation in Sudan's Registration, Urges Additional Steps to Ensure Genuine Elections
In a statement released today, 顶级国产视频 welcomed the conclusion of national voter registration in Sudan, which ended Dec. 7, and congratulated the people of Sudan for the broad and generally peaceful participation in the registration process.

Nov. 30, 2009
顶级国产视频 Welcomes Peaceful Voter Registration in Sudan; Urges Further Steps to Improve Registration Process
In a statement released today, 顶级国产视频 commended the largely peaceful implementation of national voter registration in Sudan, which began on Nov. 1, and welcomed the National Election Commission's decision to extend voter registration by one week to promote greater inclusion in the process.

Nov. 2, 2009
顶级国产视频 Concerned About Sudan's Voter Registration Process and Obstacles to Observer Accreditation
In a statement released today, 顶级国产视频 noted continued progress in Sudan's electoral process, including voter registration, which began Nov. 1, but expressed concerns about the obstacles facing election observers, including delays in finalizing their accreditation procedures and delays in election preparations, as well as continued reports of harassment of political party and civil society activity.

Nov. 1, 2009
Status of the Electoral Process in Sudan – Continued Concerns Over the Electoral Environment and Preparations; The National Elections Commission Must Act Immediately to Accredit Observers and Speed Preparations for Voter Registration (PDF)  (بالعربية.)
This statement summarizes the observations of the 顶级国产视频's election observation mission in Sudan from August – October 2009 and follows public statements released on May 7 and Aug. 20, 2009.

Aug. 20, 2009
顶级国产视频 Announces Agreement With the Government of Sudan, the National Elections Commission and the Government of Southern Sudan on Election Observation
顶级国产视频 is pleased to have finalized memoranda of understanding with the Government of National Unity (GONU) of Sudan and the National Elections Commission (NEC) and the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) on its program of election observation in Sudan. The Center welcomes the spirit of cooperation demonstrated by Sudanese authorities in these efforts.

Aug. 19, 2009
Status of the Electoral Process in Sudan – Concerns Remain Over Electoral Delays and Peace Agreement Implementation (PDF)
This statement summarizes the observations of the 顶级国产视频's election observation mission in Sudan during the period from May – August 2009 and follows a public statement released on May 7, 2009.

May 7, 2009
顶级国产视频 Welcomes Sudan's Electoral Calendar But Urges Additional Steps to Ensure Genuine and Viable Elections
In a report issued today, 顶级国产视频 welcomes the important steps taken in Sudan toward holding national elections but identifies additional key steps that the Government of National Unity (GONU) and the National Elections Commission (NEC) should take to ensure a genuine and viable electoral process.


Oct. 8, 2012
Final Report: Timor-Leste Parliamentary Election Observation 2007 (PDF)
顶级国产视频 deployed an international election observation mission to assess the June 30, 2007, Parliamentary elections. Observers visited 12 of Timor-Leste's 13 districts during the campaign period, the election, and the count. These observers focused on the procedural preparations for the elections, with particular emphasis on the role of youth in the election process, a topic that receives special emphasis in this report.

July 3, 2007
Timor-Leste Parliamentary Election Democratic and Peaceful 顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement (English and Tetum)
The majority of Timor-Leste voters participated in an orderly and peaceful June 30 parliamentary election. The administration of these elections was very well executed, bearing testimony to the hard work of election officials and the determination of Timorese citizens to ensure their country remains on the democratic path chosen at independence.

June 21, 2007
顶级国产视频 to Observe Parliamentary Elections in Timor-Leste
顶级国产视频 will increase its international observation presence surrounding Timor-Leste's June 30 parliamentary elections by sending a larger delegation to join long-term observers, who have been deployed throughout the country since early June. A field office in Dili will remain open through July 2007.

April 1, 2004
Final Report: East Timor Political and Election Observation Project (PDF)
Final Project Report: The East Timor Political and Election Observation Project, 顶级国产视频, Special Report Series.

April 15, 2002
Postelection Statement on East Timor Elections, April 15, 2002
顶级国产视频 observers witnessed a successful election day in an election that clearly met international standards for freeness and fairness. In the post-election period, democratic development will be needed at all levels of government down to the grassroots if East Timor is to succeed as a democratic nation. It is the responsibility of Timorese civil society and the elected government, with the full support of the international community, to work toward this end.

April 12, 2002
Postelection Statement on East Timor Elections, April 12, 2002
顶级国产视频 re-opened a field office in East Timor in May 2001 for the long-term observation of the Aug. 30, 2001 Constituent Assembly elections and the subsequent constitution drafting process. 顶级国产视频 long-term observers were deployed again to East Timor in March 2002 to monitor the pre-electoral environment in the lead-up to the territory's first Presidential elections scheduled to take place April 14, 2002. Short-term advisors also have arrived and been deployed, with a delegation of 15 observers who will cover 11 districts on election day. Center observers have visited 12 of the 13 Districts in East Timor, meeting with representatives of political parties, East Timorese non-governmental groups, domestic monitoring groups, and community members in the 12 districts. The following is a summary report of observer findings.

Sept. 1, 2001
Postelection Statement on East Timor Elections, Sept. 1, 2001
We would like to commend the people of Timor Lorosa'e for their massive and peaceful participation in the August 30 elections and congratulate the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET), which worked hard for an efficient and peaceful electoral process.

Aug. 31, 2001
Postelection Statement on East Timor Elections, Aug. 31, 2001
The calm, peaceful, orderly voting and extremely high voter turnout yesterday were impressive signs of the Timorese people's determination to exercise their right to democratic self-government.

Aug. 23, 2001
Pre-Election Statement on East Timor Elections, Aug. 23, 2001
顶级国产视频 observers have monitored the pre-election environment in East Timor since June 2001.

June 1, 2000
Final Report on the 1999 Public Consultation Process in East Timor (PDF)
Observing the 1999 Public Consultation Process in East Timor, Final Report.

Sept. 22, 1999
Postelection Statement on East Timor Elections, Sept. 22, 1999
The carefully planned campaign of violence and terror carried out by the Indonesian security forces and their militia surrogates in East Timor and in West Timor over the past several weeks has spread throughout Indonesia.

Sept. 13, 1999
Postelection Statement on East Timor Elections, Sept. 13, 1999
顶级国产视频 is encouraged by the decision of the Indonesian government to allow the deployment of an international peacekeeping force in East Timor. However, the Indonesian military and police, with the assistance of their militia surrogates, continue to murder and terrorize the people of East Timor, destroying buildings and infrastructure and forcibly expelling tens of thousands of unarmed civilians from the territory.

Sept. 6, 1999
Postelection Statement on East Timor Elections, Sept. 6, 1999
顶级国产视频 has been forced by militia attacks in East Timor to evacuate its remaining three international staff members from the territory. Their reports from Jakarta of the events they witnessed just prior to leaving the East Timor capital of Dili conclusively show complicity of Indonesian forces, both police and military, with the armed gangs terrorizing and displacing the local East Timorese populace. This includes militias' efforts to drive international observers, journalists, and U.N. staff out of East Timor.

Sept. 1, 1999
Postelection Statement on East Timor Elections, Sept. 1, 1999
The popular consultation on the future of East Timor, held Aug. 30, 1999, was marred by numerous instances of intimidation and violence prior to the vote. Nevertheless, on balloting day eligible voters turned out in impressively large numbers--more than 95 percent according to preliminary reports--to express their opinion in a well-administered and largely peaceful exercise.

Aug. 23, 1999
Pre-Election Statement on East Timor Elections, Aug. 22, 1999
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and 顶级国产视频 are closely monitoring the popular consultation process on autonomy in East Timor. Ten 顶级国产视频 observers have been traveling throughout East Timor since July 4 to assess preparations for the vote, the security environment, and the fairness of the campaign, while remaining strictly neutral and nonpartisan. The following is the sixth in a series of weekly reports to be issued by 顶级国产视频 observer mission before and after the consultation.

Aug. 16, 1999
Pre-Election Statement on East Timor Elections, Aug. 16, 1999
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and 顶级国产视频 are closely monitoring the popular consultation process on autonomy in East Timor. Ten 顶级国产视频 observers have been traveling throughout East Timor since July 4 to assess preparations for the vote, the security environment, and the fairness of the campaign, while remaining strictly neutral and nonpartisan. The following is the fifth in a series of weekly reports to be issued by 顶级国产视频 observer mission before and after the consultation.

Aug. 11, 1999
Pre-Election Statement on East Timor Elections, Aug. 8, 1999
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and 顶级国产视频 are closely monitoring the public consultation process on autonomy in East Timor through neutral, nonpartisan observers assessing preparations for the vote, the security environment, and the fairness of the campaign. Following is the second in a series of weekly reports to be issued by 顶级国产视频 observer mission before and after the consultation.

Aug. 4, 1999
Pre-Election Statement on East Timor Elections, Aug. 1, 1999
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and 顶级国产视频 are closely monitoring the public consultation process on autonomy in East Timor. 顶级国产视频 opened an office in Dili on July 4.

July 27, 1999
Pre-Election Statement on East Timor Elections, July 25, 1999
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and 顶级国产视频 are closely monitoring the public consultation process on autonomy in East Timor through neutral, nonpartisan observers assessing preparations for the vote, the security environment, and the fairness of the campaign. Following is the second in a series of weekly reports to be issued by 顶级国产视频 observer mission before and after the consultation.

July 20, 1999
Pre-Election Statement on East Timor Elections, July 17, 1999
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and 顶级国产视频 are closely monitoring the public consultation process on autonomy in East Timor. The Center opened an office with two observers in Dili on July 4.


Dec. 18, 2023
Final Report: Constitutional Referendum and Early Parliamentary Elections in Tunisia, July 2022 – January 2023

Final Report (PDF)التقرير النهائي

April 4, 2023
顶级国产视频 Statement on Democratic Threats in Tunisia
Statement | déclaration | بيان

Feb. 1, 2023
Post-election Statement: Low Turnout in Tunisia Election Reaffirms Need for Broad-Based Consensus
Statement | déclaration | بيان

Dec. 19, 2022
Historically Low Turnout in Tunisia’s Parliamentary Election Confirms Need for Renewed Dialogue
Press Release | Prelminary Statement | communiqué de presse | déclaration | بيان | خبر صحفى

Oct. 31, 2022
顶级国产视频 Launches Mission to Observe Tunisia’s Legislative Elections
Press Release | خبر صحفى

Sept. 29, 2021
顶级国产视频 Calls on Tunisian President to Reinstate Country’s Constitutional Order
Press Releaseبيان

May 6, 2021
顶级国产视频 Urges Tunisia’s Parliament and Supreme Judicial Council to Swiftly Appoint Constitutional Court Members
Press Releaseخبر صحفى

April 30, 2021
Exploring Women’s Participation in Civic Life in Tunisia

Oct. 30, 2020
Exploring Women’s Participation in Political Life in Tunisia With a Focus on the 2019 Elections
Report Rapport | بيان

June 30, 2020
顶级国产视频 Releases Final Report on 2019 Tunisian Elections and Urges Parliament to Create Permanent Independent Bodies
Press Release | Final Report | التقرير الأخير | خبر صحفى | Rapport Final

Jan. 7, 2020
顶级国产视频 Commends Tunisia on Successful Completion of 2019 Electoral Process
Press Release | Statement | communiqué de pressedéclarationبيان | خبر صحفى

Oct. 15, 2019
Preliminary Statement Presidential Runoff: 顶级国产视频 Encourages Tunisia’s New Leadership to Prioritize Inclusive Approaches to Address Key Political and Economic Challenges
Press Release | Statement | communiqué de pressedéclarationبيان | خبر صحفى

Oct. 8, 2019
顶级国产视频 Report: New Parliamentarians Must Move Quickly to Strengthen Tunisia’s Democratic Institutions
Press Release | Statementcommuniqué de presse | déclaration | خبر صحفىبيان

Oct. 3, 2019
顶级国产视频 Short-Term Observers Arrive in Tunisia for Legislative Elections
Press Release | communiqué de presseخبر صحفى

Sept. 17, 2019
Despite Compressed Election Period, 顶级国产视频 Reports Organized, Effective Presidential Election in Tunisia
Press Release | Statement | communiqué de presse | déclaration | خبر صحفىبيان

Sept. 9, 2019
顶级国产视频 Calls for Increased Transparency in Electoral Process, Praises Smooth Transition After Death of President
Press Release | Statement | communiqué de presse | déclaration | خبر صحفى | بيان

Aug. 7, 2019
顶级国产视频 Deploys International Observation Mission to Assess Tunisia’s Electoral Process
Press Release | communiqué de presse | خبر صحفى

May 28, 2015
Final Report: Legislative and Presidential Elections in Tunisia, October, November, and December 2014 (PDF)
顶级国产视频 has released its final report summarizing its findings and highlighting the genuine and competitive nature of the 2014 legislative and presidential elections in Tunisia. The three rounds of elections were the latest steps in a transition to democracy that grew from a spark in December 2010 to the peaceful ouster of the authoritarian Ben Ali regime in January 2011. In its report, the Center commended the Tunisian people for overcoming significant challenges to reach these milestones, which are critical to the country's consolidation of democratic governance.

Dec. 22, 2014
Tunisia Elects President in Successful and Transparent Electoral Process (En français) ( بالعربية.)
Early 顶级国产视频 observer reports indicate that Tunisia has successfully completed its first democratic election cycle under the new constitution with Dec. 21's final round of the presidential election. The country's transition from an authoritarian regime, ousted in a largely peaceful revolution on Jan. 14, 2011, to transparent elections and permanent democratic institutions represents the brightest hope in the region for a successful and peaceful transition following the Arab revolutions.

Nov. 25, 2014
Tunisia Holds Peaceful, Well-Organized Presidential Election, Further Consolidating Democratic Transition (En français) ( بالعربية.)
Tunisian citizens voted in a genuine and competitive election on Nov. 23, the country's first presidential elections under the new constitution. This presidential election further consolidates Tunisia's democratic transition following a long and sometimes contentious transition period. Tunisia remains unique in the Arab region for pursuing a political transition through democratic means following its 2011 revolution, and has now held two successful, well-organized elections in one month.

Oct. 28, 2014
顶级国产视频 Reports Calm, Orderly, and Transparent Process in Historic Tunisian Elections ( بالعربية.) (En français)
Tunisia's historic legislative elections on Oct. 26 were carried out in a calm, orderly, and transparent manner throughout the country. In a preliminary statement released by 顶级国产视频 today, election observers reported that many Tunisians waited patiently in long lines to exercise their right to vote in the first election carried out under the new Tunisian constitution adopted in January 2014. The legislative elections are an important step in the history of post-revolution Tunisia as it builds representative institutions following a dictatorial regime of many years.

Sept. 19, 2014
顶级国产视频 Commends Tunisia's Successful Voter and Candidate Registration and Encourages Increased Communication ( بالعربية.) (En français)
顶级国产视频 commends the concerted efforts taken by electoral authorities, civil society organizations, and political parties to prepare for the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections. Although the Independent High Authority for the Elections (ISIE) experienced many challenges, it has conducted a comprehensive and inclusive voter and candidate registration process, ensuring that Tunisian citizens can participate in the upcoming elections.

May 24, 2012
Final Report: Observing the Oct. 23, 2011, National Constituent Assembly Elections in Tunisia (PDF)(En Francais) ( بالعربية.)
This is the 顶级国产视频's final report on its observation mission for the 2011 Constituent Assembly elections in Tunisia. The Oct. 23 election to choose the members of the Constituent Assembly, the body that will draft Tunisia's new constitution and form its transitional government, was the result of a successful popular revolution through which Tunisians declared their desire to overthrow the existing authoritarian regime and build a democratically elected government.

May 11, 2012
顶级国产视频 Encourages Increased Transparency and Public Participation in Tunisia's Constitution Drafting Process; Calls for Progress to Establish Independent Election Management Body
(En français) ( بالعربية.)
顶级国产视频 office in Tunisia has found that issues of transparency and participation in the country's recently established National Constituent Assembly (NCA) are coming to the forefront and recommends the establishment of a detailed work plan and timeline to help structure NCA work and increase visibility on the process and accountability to stated objectives.

Nov. 10, 2011
顶级国产视频 Highlights Shortcomings in Tunisia's Post-polling Period; Outlines Issues to be Addressed in Future Electoral Processes ( بالعربية.) (En français)
After a successful day of polling in Tunisia on Oct. 23, 顶级国产视频 notes that several key areas related to the tabulation of results and appeals procedures did not receive sufficient attention of the High Independent Authority for the Elections (ISIE). The ISIE has published results at the district level number by the number of seats won by parties and independent lists. However, The Center remains concerned that several weeks after the elections, detailed preliminary results disaggregated at the polling station level have not been published, as is widely recognized as a best practice to increase transparency.

Oct. 25, 2011
顶级国产视频 Reports Peaceful and Enthusiastic Participation in Tunisia's Landmark Elections ( بالعربية.) (En français)
In a statement released today, 顶级国产视频 observers monitoring the landmark Oct. 23 Constituent Assembly elections in Tunisia reported that the voting process was marked by peaceful and enthusiastic participation, generally transparent procedures, and popular confidence about Tunisia's democratic transition. Tunisian voters waited patiently in very long lines, determined to take part in the historic first election of the Arab Spring movements of 2011.

Oct. 3, 2011
顶级国产视频 Calls on Tunisian Election Authorities to Finalize Critical Procedures and Intensify Voter Outreach ( بالعربية.) En français (PDF)
With the launch of the electoral campaign period on Oct. 1, Tunisia has entered the final leg of the National Constituent Assembly elections, scheduled for Oct. 23, 2011. While electoral preparations are progressing, key issues such as the allocation of voters to polling stations and the system for the tabulation of results require final decisions and publication by election authorities.

Sept. 1, 2011
顶级国产视频 Welcomes Completion of Tunisia's Voter Registration; Highlights Additional Steps Needed to Ensure Successful Polling (PDF) (En français)
A 顶级国产视频 statement released today noted that Tunisia's voter registration process was conducted smoothly, but important operational challenges remain for the High Independent Authority for the Elections (ISIE), particularly the allocation of voters to polling stations and a campaign to disseminate voter information to the public. The Center recommends intensified public outreach by the ISIE and other bodies to assist Tunisians in the electoral process.

United States

See U.S. Elections page »


Feb. 17, 2025
Final Report: Observation of the 2024 Presidential Election in Venezuela
Final Report (PDF) | Informe final (PDF)

March 15, 2023
Final Report: Expert Mission to Observe Regional and Local Elections in Venezuela, 2021

Final Report (PDF)

Dec. 3, 2021
顶级国产视频 Expert Mission Issues Preliminary Report on Venezuela’s Regional and Municipal Elections
Press Release | Preliminary Report | El Comunicado de Prensa | Informe Preliminar

Oct. 27, 2021
顶级国产视频 Will Deploy 6-Person Electoral Expert Mission to Venezuela’s Regional and Municipal Elections
Press Release | El Comunicado de Prensa

July 2015
Camino a las elecciones Parlamentarias 2015 – Obstáculos y desafíos del proceso electoral (PDF)
Este informe constituye la edición final de la serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, iniciada en agosto de 2014, para ayudar a los lectores interesados en seguir los distintos desarrollos en el país. Este noveno informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de Julio de 2015.
English Forthcoming

June 2015
Camino a las elecciones Parlamentarias 2015 – El PSUV celebró sus primarias (PDF)
El Centro Carter continúa la publicación de la serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, iniciada en 2014, para ayudar a los lectores interesados en seguir los distintos desarrollos en el país. Este octavo informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de Junio de 2015.
En route to parliamentary elections in 2015 - the PSUV holds primary elections (PDF)
顶级国产视频 continues to publish the monthly series of Special Reports on the Political - Electoral context in Venezuela, launched in 2014 to assist interested readers in pursuing the various electoral developments in the country. This ninth report contains a summary of some of the major events of political and electoral order occurred in Venezuela during the month of June 2015.

May 2015
Camino a las elecciones Parlamentarias 2015 – La MUD celebró sus primarias (PDF)
El Centro Carter continua la publicación de la serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, iniciada en 2014, para ayudar a los lectores interesados en seguir los distintos desarrollos en el pais. Este octavo informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de Mayo de 2015.
En route to parliamentary elections in 2015 - the MUD holds primary elections (PDF)
顶级国产视频 continues to publish the monthly series of Special Reports on the Political - Electoral context in Venezuela, launched in 2014 to assist interested readers in pursuing the various electoral developments in the country. This eighth report contains a summary of some of the major events of political and electoral order occurred in Venezuela during the month of May 2015.

March 2015
Renovación del Poder Electoral - Preparación de Primarias en Contexto de Conflictividad Política (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este séptimo informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de marzo de 2015.

Parliamentary Elections - Preparation for Primary Election in the Context of Political Conflict (PDF)
顶级国产视频 is initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This sixth report provides a summary of the major electoral events in Venezuela during the months of March and April 2015.

February 2015
Renovacion del Poder Electoral - Inicio de las actividades del calendario pre-electoral en un clima de recrudecimiento de la polarización política (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este sexto informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de febrero de 2015.
Renewal of the Electoral Authority in Venezuela - Activities on the Pre-electoral Calendar Begin Amid Escalating Political Polarization (PDF)
顶级国产视频 is initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This sixth report provides a summary of the major electoral events in Venezuela during the month of February 2015.

January 2015
Renovación del Poder Electoral – Instalación del nuevo consejo nacional electoral y designación de los órganos subordinados (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este quinto informe contiene un resumen de algunos de los principales acontecimientos de orden político-electoral acaecidos en Venezuela durante el mes de enero de 2015.

December 2014
Renovación del Poder Electoral -- Nombramiento final de rectores del consejo nacional electoral (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este cuarto informe de la serie describe el proceso político que resultó en el nombramiento de los nuevos rectores del CNE por parte del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ), después que el oficialismo y la oposición de la Asamblea Nacional no pudieron asegurar una mayoría calificada de dos tercios de votos en el nombramiento de candidatos.

November 2014
Renovación del Poder Electoral – Postulación de los candidatos al rector del consejo nacional electoral (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este tercer informe de la serie describe la postulación de los candidatos al rector del consejo nacional electoral.

Renewal of Electoral Authority in Venezuela - Nomination of CNE Judges (PDF)
顶级国产视频 is initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This third report describes the nomination of candidates to the National electoral Council.

September-October 2014
Renovación del Poder Electoral - Designacion del Comité de Postulaciones Electorales (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este segundo informe de la serie describe los procedimientos para designar a los nuevos miembros de la CNE para reemplazar a aquellos cuyo mandato expiró en abril de 2013, y el progreso hasta la fecha.

Renewal of the Electoral Authority In Venezuela - Appointment of the Electoral Nominations Committee (PDF)
顶级国产视频 is initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This second report in the series describes the procedures to appoint new members of the CNE to replace those whose terms expired in April 2013, and the progress to date.

August 2014
Informe de Seguimiento Político Electoral I-Renovación del Poder Electoral (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha iniciado una serie de informes mensuales especiales sobre el contexto político-electoral en Venezuela, para ayudar a los lectores interesados ??a seguir el actual proceso de elección de los nuevos rectores del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) y los debates en el país sobre posibles reformas electorales antes de las elecciones legislativas que se espera sucedan a finales de 2015. Este primer informe de la serie describe los procedimientos para designar a los nuevos miembros de la CNE para reemplazar a aquellos cuyo mandato expiró en abril de 2013, y el progreso hasta la fecha.

Renewal of the Electoral Authority in Venezuela: Process to Create the Electoral Nominations Committee (PDF)
顶级国产视频 is initiating a series of monthly Special Reports on the Political-Electoral Context in Venezuela, to assist interested readers to follow the current process of electing new directors of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and discussions within the country about potential electoral reforms prior to the National Assembly elections expected in late 2015. This first report in the series describes the procedures to nominate new members of the CNE to replace those whose terms expired in April 2013, and the progress to date.

May 22, 2014
Final Report: Venezuela's April 2013 Presidential Elections (PDF)
顶级国产视频 today released the final report of the study mission that was deployed to Venezuela for the April 14, 2013, presidential elections. The report provides an extensive study of both election day as well as the pre- and post-election periods, including the results of the post-electoral audit process of the electoral system and the challenges to election results presented by the opposition.

En español:
Centro Carter Publica Informe Final Sobre Las Elecciones En Venezuela (PDF)
El Centro Carter dio a conocer el Informe Final de la misión de estudio que envió a Venezuela con motivo de las elecciones presidenciales del 14 de abril de 2013. Dicho documento ofrece al lector un estudio extensivo tanto del día de los comicios como de los periodos pre y post comiciales, incluyendo el análisis del resultado de los procesos de auditorias post comiciales y de las solicitudes de impugnación de los resultados electorales presentadas por los sectores opositores.

Feb. 20, 2014
Friends of the Inter-American Democratic Charter Statement on the Situation in Venezuela(en español)
The Friends of the Inter-American Democratic Charter repudiate the events that occurred during and after the peaceful demonstrations by student organizations on Feb. 12, 2014, in Venezuela. The group laments the loss of life and the wounded, and expresses its strong condemnation of the detention of more than 100 students, some of whom reported violations of their physical integrity.

July 3, 2013
顶级国产视频 Issues Report on Venezuela Election
顶级国产视频 today released a preliminary report on Venezuela's April 14, 2013, special presidential elections recommending electoral reforms to ensure greater campaign equity, increased efforts to improve the electoral climate for voters, and more information about the effectiveness of the biometric identification system and procedures to prevent usurpation of voter identity and multiple voting.
En español:
Centro Carter Publica Informe Sobre Las Elecciones En Venezuela
El Centro Carter dio a conocer hoy un informe preliminar sobre las elecciones presidenciales especiales realizadas en Venezuela el 14 de abril de 2013, en el que se recomienda una serie de reformas electorales para asegurar una mayor equidad en las campañas, un incremento en los esfuerzos para mejorar el clima electoral el día de la votación y un mayor flujo de información sobre la eficacia del sistema de identificación biométrica y los procedimientos para prevenir la usurpación de la identidad y el voto múltiple.

Nov. 21, 2012
Final Report: 顶级国产视频 study Mission to the Oct. 7, 2012, Presidential Election in Venezuela (PDF)
The 2012 presidential elections in Venezuela won by Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías reflected and reinforced the intense political contestation and social polarization Venezuelans have grown accustomed to since Chávez was first elected to the presidency in December 1998. Fortunately, tensions did not boil over and voting took place peacefully amid the high stakes election on Oct. 7, 2012.
En español:
Informe Final: Misión de Estudio del Centro Carter Elecciones Presidenciales en Venezuela el 7 de octubre 2012
La elección presidencial de 2012, en la que resultó vencedor Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, reflejó y reafirmó la intensa confrontación política y polarización social a las que ya se han acostumbrado los venezolanos desde que Chávez fue elegido presidente en diciembre de 1998. Afortunadamente, las tensiones no se desbordaron y la votación se llevó a cabo de manera pacífica en medio de un proceso con fuertes intereses en juego.

Oct. 5, 2012
顶级国产视频 Study Mission to Venezuela Elections Releases Pre-Electoral Report
顶级国产视频's independent study mission to Venezuela today released a pre-electoral report, which assesses the preparations for key elements of the process including voter registration, campaign conditions, voting conditions, integrity of the vote count, and the dispute resolution process.
En español:
Informe Pre-electoral de la Misión de Estudio del Centro Carter sobre las Elecciones en Venezuela
La misión independiente de estudio del Centro Carter en Venezuela dio a conocer hoy un informe pre-electoral en el que se evalúan los elementos clave del proceso electoral venezolano 2012, incluyendo temas tales como el registro de votantes, las condiciones de la campaña, las condiciones de la votación, la integridad del conteo de votos y el proceso de resolución de conflictos.

Dec. 3, 2007
顶级国产视频 Statement on Venezuela Referendum (Spanish follows English version)
Venezuelan citizens responded on Dec. 2 in a peaceful and orderly way to the referendum convoked by the National Electoral Council (CNE) to approve or reject the proposal to reform the National Constitution, presented to the citizens by the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. With 90 percent of the vote counted, the CNE declared the referendum defeated, and immediately thereafter President Hugo Chávez Frías accepted the results on national television.

Nov. 1, 2007
Final Report of the Technical Misson: Observing the 2006 Presidential Elections in Venezuela (PDF)
In response to an invitation from the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE), 顶级国产视频 organized a specialized, technical mission to observe the use of automated voting technology employed in the Dec. 3, 2006, presidential elections in Venezuela.
En español:
Misión Técnica del Centro Carter Elecciones Presidenciales 3 de diciembre de 2006
En respuesta a una invitación del Consejo Nacional Electoral de Venezuela (CNE), el Centro Carter organizó una misión técnica especializada para la observación del sistema de votación automatizado utilizado durante las elecciones presidenciales del 3 de diciembre de 2006.

July 1, 2006
Reflexiones y Aportes Para la Reforma de la Legislacion Electoral Venezolana (PDF)
A petición del Presidente del Consejo Nacional Electoral y el Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela, el Centro Carter comisionó a cuatro expertos en derecho electoral comparado para efectuar un estudio del conjunto de leyes que norman el sistema electoral venezolano.

June 28, 2005
Report: 顶级国产视频 and the Peacebuilding Process in Venezuela
June 2002 - February 2005 (English and Spanish).

Feb. 25, 2005
Final Reports: The Venezuela Presidential Recall Referendum
An overview of the 顶级国产视频's observation of the 2004 Venezuela presidential recall referendum, with links to three final reports (in English and Spanish).

Observing the Venezuela Presidential Recall Referendum: Comprehensive Report (PDF)
Comprehensive report of 顶级国产视频's observation of the 2004 Venezuela presidential recall referendum.

Observacion del Referendo Revocatorio Presidencial en Venezuela: Informe Integral (PDF)
Observacion del Referendo Revocatorio Presidencial en Venezuela: Informe Integral. Serie de Reportajes Especiales.

El Centro Carter y el Proceso de Construccion de Paz en Venezuela, Junio 2002 - Febrero 2005:
Resumen (PDF)

El Centro Carter y el Proceso de Construccion de Paz en Venezuela, Junio 2002 - Febrero 2005: Resumen. Serie de Reportajes Especiales, el Centro Carter.

Feb. 1, 2005
顶级国产视频 and the Peacebuilding Process in Venezuela, June 2002 - February 2005 (PDF)
顶级国产视频 and the Peacebuilding Process in Venezuela, June 2002 - February 2005, Summary.
En español:
El Centro Carter y el Proceso de Construccion de Paz en Venezuela, Junio 2002 - Febrero 2005 (PDF)
El Centro Carter y el Proceso de Construccion de Paz en Venezuela, Junio 2002 - Febrero 2005, Resumen.

Sept. 30, 2004
Executive Summary of Comprehensive Report: 2004 Venezuela Elections (PDF)
This is the executive summary of the comprehensive report of the 顶级国产视频's observation of the signature collection, verification, reparos, and the recall referendum in Venezuela. As the formal appeals and dispute adjudication process is still ongoing, we will issue an addendum to this report if needed at the conclusion of these formal appeals.
En español:
Resumen Ejecutivo del Informe Comprehensivo (PDF)
El presente informe es un resumen ejecutivo del informe final detallado sobre la observación del Centro Carter en la recolección de firmas, su verificación, los reparos y el propio revocatorio. Considerando que hay apelaciones formales presentadas y que existe un proceso controversial en marcha, publicaremos un addendum al presente informe si resultare necesario una vez que concluyan las apelaciones formales.

Sept. 16, 2004
Report on an Analysis of the Representativeness of the Second Audit Sample, and the Correlation between Petition Signers and the Yes Vote in the Aug. 15, 2004, Presidential Recall Referendum (PDF)
This study was conducted by 顶级国产视频 and confirmed by the OAS in response to a written request from Sumate presented to 顶级国产视频 Sept. 7, 2004. Sumate asked that 顶级国产视频 evaluate a study performed by Professors Ricardo Hausmann and Roberto Rigobon.
En español:
Informe sobre un análisis de la representatividad del segundo examen de auditoría, y la correlación entre los firmantes de la petición y el voto por el SI en el referendo de (PDF)
El presente estudio fue llevado a cabo por el Centro Carter y lo confirmó la OEA, en respuesta a un pedido escrito que Sumate presentó al Centro el 7 de septiembre de 2004. Sumate solicitó que el Centro Carter evaluara un estudio efectuado por los profesores Ricardo Hausmann y Roberto Rigobon.

Sept. 5, 2004
顶级国产视频 Statement About Statistical Assessment of the Venezuela Referendum Results (English and Spanish)
Upon receiving complains from the opposition Coordinadora Democrática about suspected irregularities in the voting results recorded in the machine, specifically, a pattern of tied results among two or three machines in the same voting tables, 顶级国产视频 consulted with several statisticians.

Aug. 26, 2004
Final Report: Audit of the Results of the Presidential Recall Referendum in Venezuela (PDF)
Final Report: Audit of the Results of the Presidential Recall Referendum in Venezuela, Aug. 26, 2004.
En español:
El Informe Final De La Auditoria Del Referendum En Venezuela, Aug. 26, 2004 (PDF)
Auditoria de Resultados, Proceso de Referendum Revocatorio Presidencial Venezuela.

Feb. 1, 2001
Final Report: Observing Political Change in Venezuela: The Bolivarian Constitution and 2000 Elections (PDF)
Venezuela under President Hugo Chávez undertook a bold experiment to revamp its political system and address economic inequities and poverty.
En español:
Observando Cambio Politico En Venezuela: La Constitucion Bolivariana Y Las Elecciones 2000, Informe Final (PDF)
El Centro Carter ha estado comprometido con observaciones electorales en Venezuela desde el año1998. Hemos conservado por lo menos un representante en el país durante este período de dos años el cual nos ha mantenido informados en forma regular, hemos enviado diez misiones de estudio y delegaciones interinas para que nos informaran sobre las preparaciones para cada elección así como sobre la solución de disputas que surgían a raíz de cada contienda electoral y hemos observado dos elecciones presidenciales.

July 31, 2000
Postelection Statement on Venezuela Elections, July 30, 2000
A 48-member international delegation observed the July 30 elections in 16 states and the Federal District. 顶级国产视频 observers visited more than 270 mesas. Our observers were welcomed throughout the country by the Venezuelan authorities and citizens.

May 25, 2000
Pre-Election Statement on Venezuela Elections, May 25, 2000
顶级国产视频 continues to observe the electoral process, postponed since May 25th. At that time, we applauded the decision to postpone the Mega-elections so that electoral authorities could have the opportunity to better prepare and inform the citizens of Venezuela about their election options and how to vote.

May 24, 2000
Pre-Election Statement on Venezuela Elections, May 24, 2000
顶级国产视频 continues to closely monitor the preparations for the Venezuelan mega-elections scheduled for May 28. As international observers we cannot guarantee the integrity of the elections. However, we can report our observations to the Venezuelan people and call attention to problems we have observed.

Feb. 1, 1999
Final Report: Observation of the 1998 Venezuelan Elections (PDF)
顶级国产视频 was invited to observe the December 1998 Presidential election. The Special Report gives a detailed summary of the Center's activities, including the pre-election period, the legislative and regional elections, and the presidential election. The report concludes with post-election observations, recommendations, and suggestions.

Dec. 7, 1998
Postelection Statement on Venezuela Elections, Dec. 7, 1998
We congratulate the Venezuelan people for their enthusiastic participation in yesterday's election, and for their demonstration of faith in the democratic process. They voted calmly and peacefully, but definitively for change. We congratulate Venezuela's National Electoral Council and all of those who worked to ensure a smooth and efficient electoral process. The automated vote count system - the first national electronic system in the hemisphere - brought a new level of transparency and confidence to the process.


May 9, 2022 | Analyzing Zambia’s 2021 General Elections
Final Report

Aug. 23, 2021
顶级国产视频 Commends Zambians for a Successful Election Despite Unlevel Playing Field
Press Release | Preliminary Report

Aug. 13, 2021 | 顶级国产视频 Condemns Internet Restrictions During Election Day in Zambia
Press Release

July 26, 2021 | 顶级国产视频 Deploys Electoral Experts to Lusaka for Zambia Elections
Press Release

Dec. 20, 2017
顶级国产视频’s Experts Mission to the Zambian Presidential and Parliamentary Elections 2016
In this report, the 顶级国产视频 summarizes its assessment of Zambia’s 2016 general election and referendum on the Bill of Rights. After receiving an invitation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Center fielded a limited observation mission deployed in-country for two months to focus on the pre- and postelection periods.

Sept. 15, 2016
顶级国产视频 Expresses Deep Concern about Zambia’s 2016 Electoral Process and Democratic Institutions
顶级国产视频 is deeply concerned about key aspects of the 2016 Zambian electoral process in both the pre- and post-electoral period, especially the failure of Zambia’s institutions to provide a level playing field prior to election day and adequate due process to ensure a fair hearing and effective remedy for electoral petitions filed following the polls. Unfortunately, this represents a significant step backward for Zambia.

Aug. 15, 2016
Preliminary Statement on Zambia General Elections and Referendum (Aug. 11, 2016) (PDF)
In this preliminary statement, 顶级国产视频 expresses concerns regarding pre-election environment and urges patience while results come in. 

Sept. 19, 2006
顶级国产视频 Will Not Observe Zambia Elections
顶级国产视频 announced today that it received an invitation from the Zambian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to observe the 2006 elections, but has decided not to pursue involvement in the upcoming elections.

Jan. 9, 2003
Final Report: Observing the 2001 Zambia Elections (PDF)
Final report of the 顶级国产视频 delegation to the 2001 Zambia elections.

March 7, 2002
Postelection Statement on Zambia Elections, March 7, 2002 (PDF)
This is the 顶级国产视频's fourth and final public statement on the Zambian 2001 Tripartite Elections, released 7 March 2002.

Jan. 31, 2002
Postelection Statement on Zambia Elections, Jan. 31 2002
This statement, released 31 January 2002, is the 顶级国产视频's third public statement on the Zambian electoral process. The first was a pre-election statement released on December 13, 2001. The second was an interim post-election statement on December 30, 2001.

Dec. 30, 2001
Postelection Statement on Zambia Elections, Dec. 30, 2001 (PDF)
顶级国产视频's interim statement on the 2001 Zambia elections released 30 December 2001. 顶级国产视频 is pleased to observe Zambia's first tripartite elections since 1964. This is the Center's second election observation mission in Zambia, having observed the historic 1991 multi-party election.

Dec. 13, 2001
Pre-Election Statement on Zambia Elections, Dec. 13, 2001 [PDF]
The 13 December 2001 assessment of the Zambian pre-election period. On 27 December 2001, Zambian voters will go to the polls in the country's first ever tripartite elections. Voters will be issued with three ballots to elect the president, 150 members of parliament and hundreds of local council representatives. President Chiluba announced the election date on 22 November and candidate nomination for all elections was completed by 2 December, launching the formal campaign period.

Dec. 1, 1992
Final Report: Observing the 1991 Zambia Elections (PDF)
On October 31, 1991, Zambians elected a new president and 150-member National Assembly in the nation's first multiparty elections since 1968. As the culmination of a four-month, comprehensive election monitoring effort of the Zambia Voting Observation Team (Z-Vote), the 顶级国产视频 of Emory University and the National Democratic Institute for International Affaires (NDI) organized a 40-member international observer delegation for the elections.


Feb. 12, 2024
顶级国产视频 Issues Final Report on 2023 Zimbabwean Elections
Press Release | Final Election Report

Aug. 31, 2023
顶级国产视频 Preliminary Statement on Zimbabwe’s 2023 Harmonized Elections
Press Release | Preliminary Statement

Aug. 11, 2023
Nigeria’s Former Electoral Commission Chairman to Lead 顶级国产视频’s Election Observation Mission in Zimbabwe
Press Release

July 20, 2020
Final Report: Republic of Zimbabwe 2018 Presidential, Parliamentary, and Local Council (Harmonized) Elections Election (PDF)
顶级国产视频 deployed a mission to Zimbabwe from March 24-28, 2018, to assess the pre-election environment and preparations for the July 30, 2018, presidential, parliamentary, and local council elections (collectively called the harmonized elections). The mission met with key political and electoral stakeholders as well as civil society organizations and international technical assistance providers. The Center subsequently received an invitation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to observe the harmonized elections.

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